Chapter 17

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I'm excited for this chapter! I hope you are all too. We have another SKZ member for this week's mission. It's been a while since one has popped up. Also, if someone can, please let me know if you are seeing or not seeing my updates. Wattpad is glitching on me lately and I can't tell if it's just on my side and everything publishes properly or there really is some issue. Anyway, with that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Then: Yongin

"He went down that way," Changbin calls out as he runs alongside Wonpil. The brown haired hunter has black frame glasses over his eyes and a silver blade clenched in his hands. Wonpil looks in the direction Changbin pointed and nods his head as he spots a shadowy tail moving past a tree. He charges after the monster. Wonpil jumps above a fallen log and darts around a bush. He comes up into this clearing where there is just grass. There's a large black dog with huge canines circling the area almost like he's about to attack his prey. Wonpil eyes narrow and he tightens his grip on his blade. He bends down a bit and starts to circle as well, waiting for the dog to pounce. The dog bares its teeth and snaps at the air, trying to threaten Wonpil and make him leave. The hunter doesn't even flinch. Instead, he slides closer to the animal. "Come on," Wonpil shouts. The dog growls again before charging forward. He collides with the hunter and they both go tumbling towards the ground. The animal uses its massive paws to scratch at the hunter's shoulder. Wonpil grits his teeth as deep gashes appear on his body and blood drips from the wounds. He pushes back the pain though and repositions his hand so that he can swing the angel blade into the hound's side. He yanks the blade out and the dog yelps in pain. He staggers off of Wonpil and scampers over to the side. The dog begins to whimper in pain and the hunter smirks a bit, finding the monster's apparent fear and pain amusing. "You're nothing more than a little pet...aren't you?" Wonpil murmurs, "I don't know why Changbin was so worried. You're not one of the hotshot hellhounds. You're just a little puppy. It's too bad, if things were different I would have let you go back home with your master, but they're not." With that said, Wonpil throws the angel blade. It hits the hellhound right in the middle of its forehead and the animal falls to the ground. Wonpil lets out a breath and walks over to the creature. He bends down to pull the blade out and slowly stands again. He looks down at the dead creature who has blood dripping from its head. He stares at it for a second more before pursing his lips and looking to his angel blade. He grips the weapon tighter before slamming it into the creature's body. He continues to do this again and again. Blood spurts from the hellhound and splatters all over Wonpil's face and clothes. This doesn't seem to faze the hunter as he proceeds to stab the monster. "You got him!" Changbin says in a pleased tone as he comes into the clearing, "Thank goodness...that is the last time I let Seonghwa hyung take care of the hellhounds. I'll make sure this guy stays locked up. Thanks for helping me catch him again." He has yet to notice what Wonpil is doing, but it doesn't take him long as he sees a spurt of blood shoot into the air. Changbin's eyes widen and he blinks in surprise. Wonpil slowly rises and turns around. He flashes a smile at his friend, blood covering every inch of his body, "Sorry, I know we said we would get him alive, but he wouldn't settle. I did what I had to do." Changbin purses his lips together and nods his head even though the scene before his eyes is very unsettling.



"I read about a wild animal attack in Yongin," Felix reads from Wonpil's journal as Chan pays the man at the front desk of the motel, "It wasn't the first attack either. There had been about two more just that week."

"Thanks," Chan says as the man hands him the key to the room. He starts walking down the hallway and Felix follows, his eyes still on the leather-bound book. "I went into town expecting a werewolf or kitsune or something along those lines," Felix continues, "Instead, it turns out that hell had lost one of its beloved puppies."

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