Chapter 11

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I am back with the next chapter. New town, new story and new guest appearances! I'm excited for this chapter and hope you all are too! Please enjoy.

Then: Anyang

"Yah, Kim Yonghee!" A boy with black hair huffs as Yonghee swipes a piece of popcorn from her bowl. Yonghee, a boy with dark brown hair that hangs over his forehead, smiles happily and tosses the kernel into his mouth. He hums as he chews, much to the annoyance of his brother. "Thanks, Seunghun hyung," He says in a sing-song tone. He is garbed in an oversized shirt and shorts. There are polka-dot socks on his feet that tap happily. "I didn't offer you anything. Why do you have to steal my food?" Seunghun questions, "You can make your own popcorn." He is garbed in a tank top and pajama pants. His feet remain bare unlike his brother's. "It's too much work," Yonghee answers, "It's easier to just take." He reaches for another piece, but Seunghun slaps his hand away. He whirls around with his bowl and clutches it protectively, "No."

"Ow!" Yonghee exclaims, "Why did you hit me?"

"Cause you're a thief!" Seunghun exclaims. Yonghee scowls at this and crosses his arms over his chest. "Boys, don't fight," Their mother calls out as she enters the room garbed in her own striped pajamas. The siblings whirl around to face their mother and let out similar exasperated sighs. They begin to talk over one another, making their mother shake her head. The woman can't make out what either of her children are saying, but it didn't really matter to her. Their argument was most definitely about something stupid. "Your appa and I sent you two into the kitchen to deal with the snacks for movie night, not to start bickering," The woman says loudly with a raised eyebrow. The boys fall silent at their mother's words and slowly lower their heads in shame. "Sorry," Seunghun murmurs.

"Yeah, sorry," Yonghee mutters.

"It's fine," Their mother says, "Just try to finish up here so we can start the movie. I'm sure your appa has already started watching, he's so impatient." They both nod their heads and start to shuffle around the kitchen, grabbing more bags of popcorn and bowls to place the popped kernels inside. Seunghun slips one of the bags into the microwave and presses the button. He sighs as the soft popping of the corn echoes as the microwave tray spins. After a couple of seconds, the microwave dings and Seunghun takes out the steaming bag. He tugs it open and Yonghee holds a bowl near him so that he can pour the popcorn in it. They repeat this process again with their mother watching them with a small smile on their faces. The microwave dings again, but at the same time as this noise echoes so does the sound of a gun being fired. The three all tense and look at one another with fear in their eyes. "A-appa..." Yonghee stutters. The boys look over to their mother, who holds up a finger to her lips. She creeps out of the kitchen and towards the source of the sound. Their house is fairly big, some may even call it a mansion, so the sound of the gun echoed, but they've lived in this house for a long time and they can tell where the noise came from. Seunghun and Yonghee creep behind their mother as they all make their way to the living room. As they enter, they are greeted by a shadowy figure garbed in all black and a face mask snug over his face. The figure is sitting on the couch beside a man dressed in a red shirt and sports shorts. His body is slumped to the side and partially covers a part of the couch that has this weird black-red stain that looks fairly new."Appa..." Seunghun whispers, his face turning white. Yonghee leans close to his brother, grabbing onto his arm for support as his eyes become watery. Their mom stares at her husband with a blank expression. The woman takes a deep breath before staring down at the figure sitting comfortably on the couch. "Hunter," She says with venom.

"Hello, Kim family," The hunter says as he turns to look at them, "I have a gift for you. Silver bullets." He lifts his hand up and fires three shots at each of them. They each drop to the floor as they get hit. The hunter stares at them for a second to make sure they don't get back up before slowly standing from the couch and walking towards the kitchen. He enters the room and makes his way over to the microwave. He opens it up and grabs the bag of popcorn. He rips the bag open as he walks out of the house, leaving the family that he just killed behind.

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