Chapter 3

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Sorry about the delay! I was busy on my usual update day, so I didn't have a chance to post. I will try to post another chapter this week to make up for it. Until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Our favorite Aussies have made their way to Korea and are ready for their first ever mission! Let's get into it!

Then: Incheon

"Have a nice day, professor," A tall student with a handsome face says as he exits the classroom with his friend.

"You too, Eunwoo," Professor Yeon says with a smile. He is a much put together man. He wears a button down white shirt with a dark green striped tie. A nice watch sits on his wrist and his graying hair is combed neatly with gel. The man starts to gather up the assignments that his students worked on so that he can grade them later. He slips the stack of papers into a folder before sticking it into his bag which sits on his chair. He slowly gathers up the rest of his belongings and slips it into his backpack before zipping it up. He throws it over his shoulder before turning to face the whiteboard and wipe it clean. The sound of the classroom door opening makes the man turn. The professor frowns when he doesn't recognize the student standing in front of him, "Can I help you, student?"

"Yes, professor, I'm actually kinda lost," The young woman says. She's wearing a black tee-shirt that is tucked partially into her dark blue jeans. She has a stack of books in her arms and a light pink backpack thrown over her shoulder. She wears a matching pink headband and she has a sweet smile on her face. "Did you just transfer here?" The professor asks. The woman nods her head and the middle-aged man gestures for her to come closer. "Where are you trying to go?" Professor Yeon questions. The woman doesn't say anything. She places her books down on the front desk and slips her bag off her shoulder. The professor eyes her weirdly as she takes a confident step closer to him. He tenses as she continues to move closer and closer to him. Professor Yeon moves back without even thinking, "What are you doing?"

"Word around campus is that you're one of smartest teachers here," The woman says with a wide grin.

"My image precedes me," Professor Yeon coughs out. The woman hums and slowly lifts her left hand palm up. A long spike extends from her wrist and she smirks as the professor squirms in fear. "I'll be the judge of that," She says before piercing the man in the neck using her spike.


"I don't like this car," Felix huffs as he looks around at the cheap rental car they picked up.

Chan sighs as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, "It's not like we can afford to be picky. I have another car in Seoul, but until we get there we're stuck with this." It isn't a terrible vehicle, but it's fairly small for both of the hunter's liking. They were barely able to hold most of their hunting equipment and they had tried to only bring the bare essentials with them to Korea. They planned on restocking at a men of letters chapterhouse in Seoul, which Chan says have some impressive toys that would make any hunter giggle with glee. "Yeah, yeah," Felix sighs, "Are we going straight to Seoul?"

"That's the plan," Chan says, "But, if you want we can go grab a bit before getting into the main road."

"When you say bite, you don't mean ramyeon, do you?" Felix questions, "I don't want my first meal in Korea to be instant noodles..."

"I wasn't going to suggest we have ramyeon," Chan huffs.

Felix sighs, "Yes, you were. You've always been more of the watch our expenses person then I have."

"It's not like we can just splurge!" Chan tuts, "We're not rich you know."

"We're not poor either," Felix says, "Credit card fraud gives you enough to afford a decent meal once and awhile."

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