Chapter 5

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Hi! I am back with a new chapter for you all. I have like nothing to say to preface this chapter. The cousins have a new mission and there will be new Kpop idol appearances. I hope that you enjoy it!

Then: Seonyudo

"Be careful," Chaeyeon calls out to her little sister as she walks along the edge of the riverbed. The girl with a light pink shirt with butterflies on it flashes her a wide smile and she nods. She skips as she walks, her pig-tails bouncing as she does. Chaeyeon shakes her head as she watches Chaemin, who giggle as a dragonfly flits around her head. Chaeyeon lets out a breath and looks around, spotting a bench. She walks over to it and sits down, making sure to keep a close eye on her sister. The wind blows through her black hair and she reaches for a red hair tie that sits on her wrist. She twists her hair into a messy bun before lowering her hands to her sides. "Unnie! Unnie!" Chaemin calls out.

"What is it?" Chaeyeon says.

"There's little fishies in the water!" Chaemin exclaims, "Can I go play with them?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Chaeyeon says, "You're a lot bigger than those fishies. You don't want to scare them away."

"But, I'm not scary," Chaemin pouts.

Chaeyeon sighs, "Of course you aren't, but the fishes may not like it if you bother them. Why don't you just leave them be?"

"Okay," Chaemin says in a quiet voice, "Can I still talk to them from here?"

"Yes," Chaeyeon says. Chaemin beams at this and turns around to start chatting it up with the fish. Chaeyeon smiles as she watches her sister babble to the fish as if they're normal humans. Suddenly, loud music starts to play, making Chayeon jump in surprise. She calms down when she realizes it's just her phone. She yanks it from her pocket and sighs when she sees that her other younger sister is calling her, "What's up?"

"Unnie," Chaeryeong says over the phone, "A bunch of my friends are going on a road trip and I wanna go with them."

"Why are you telling me?" Chaeyeon asks.

"Well, it wouldn't be good if I just went without letting anyone know," Chaeryeong says.

"I'm your older sister," Chaeyeon says, "You should be telling all of this to eomma, not me."

"I can't cause if I did she wouldn't let me go," Chaeryeong says.

Chaeyeon sighs, "That's your problem, sis. I gotta go."

"Unnie!" Chaeryeong exclaims as her older sister ends the call. Chaeyeon shakes her head and slips her phone back into her pocket. She looks up to check on Chaemin and her eyes bug out of her head when she sees her sister creeping into the water. "Chaemin-ah!" Chaeyeon shouts. The young girl turns at the call of her name and smiles when she sees it's her older sister. She smiles in an innocent way, "Hi, unnie!"

"Chaemin, come back here! You're not supposed to go into the water!" Chaeyeon exclaims.

"But, unnie!" Chaemin calls out, "My friend says I need to go in if I want to play with her!"

"What friend?" Chaeyeon asks, but before she can get an answer the water begins to move like it is alive. It latches onto Chaemin's ankles and pulls. The young girl shrieks on the top of her lungs as the water drags her under. Chaeyeon eyes widen and she dashes forward, "Chaemin! Chaemin!!!"

"U-Unnie!!!" Chaemin cries before her entire head is submerged into the river.



"What the heck?" Felix mutters as they slowly crawl down the street. It's only a small road near the river. There's yellow caution tape blocking off the river, but it doesn't seem to do much to deter the people from gathering. There's ambulances and police cars parked around the area. The medics are dragging a stretcher with an obviously wet sheet covering what Felix assumes is a dead body. The cops are trying their best to keep back a crowd of nosy people and bothersome reporters trying to get through to see what the commotion is about. Another officer seems to be speaking to what Felix thinks are witnesses on a bench near the river. It's a young woman around his age. She has long black hair and a body fit for a dancer. She is garbed in black skinny jeans and a white shirt with the words Love written on it in curly text. Her face is devoid of emotion, but it's clear that she is in a lot of pain. Her eyes are red and there are dried tear streaks on her cheeks. There are two other girls standing beside her, who seem to be offering the girl support. "Chris..." Felix says, turning to his cousin.

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