Free day

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry that I didn't write Karmagisa in this chapter. I was going to make a chapter about the date that I mentioned in one of the earlier chapters, but then I decided to make this chapter. The next chapter won't be the date either since I want to finish this day. This chapter was really unplanned so sorry if it's a little weird. I also posted this chapter earlier than normal because I finished it early :) I think I have an idea for what movie I want to make them watch, but if you have any suggestions, please tell me. Also, I'm not going to have them watch Anime for the movie because that's kind of inception. Next week, I might make two chapter because I have a week off next week but I'm not going to promise anything since I might just get lazy. This chapter is words around 1100 long.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 

Nagisa woke up the next day feeling horrible. Even though he promised himself only one drink, Kayano was having none of that and convinced him two wouldn't hurt. Two turned into three and three turned into four. Karma, who was a little less drunk since he has a high tolerance unlike like the bluenette, noticed that Nagisa was drunk and didn't let him have anymore. Nagisa had already gotten drunk though so the next morning wasn't the greatest. 

First of all, he was definitely hungover so that's not too fun but on top of that, his human alarm clock, Karma,  didn't wake him so he would have less time getting ready. He also couldn't jump from roof to roof to get to school to not be late for his class since he wasn't feeling well. Luckily,  he wasn't hungover enough to feel the need to throw up. After Nagisa got ready in the shortest time possible, Nagisa ran as fast as he can while hungover. Nagisa can normally run really fast but since he was hungover while running, he wasn't running to his normal speed. He was still as fast as normal people. It still felt slow since he was use to running faster. 

He got into class and every noticed something off about him. His normal normal cheery self was replaced by a tired and sick looking version. It was kind of hard to believe this was the same person to the students. It's already been a month and a half since school started and this was the first time their teacher looked like he didn't want to be there. The student would be lying if they said they weren't worried. 

"Hello class! I apologize. I have a really bad headache so in this class, I'll just give some exercices to do and then for the rest of the day, I'll let you guys pick out a movie to watch. Consider this a free day. I still need to have you do some work, hence the exercices. I'll help you guys if you need I'm probably not going to be as enthusiastic as normal. Also, if I get better after lunch, we can play some games I guess." Nagisa as he started handing out papers of math exercices. Some of the students asked why it had to be math but Nagisa just shrugged.

Nagisa was starting to feel a little better by the the first students turned in their paper. Hayashida was the first to turn it in and she asked to go to the bathroom. When she came back, she had pigtails styled exactly like Nagisa. One by one, the students turned in their papers and asked to go to the bathroom just to come back with Nagisa styled pigtails. Even the boys tried to make pigtails into their hair. The Onishi looked almost exactly alike. If it hadn't been for the birthmark that Miki had under her left eye, Nagisa wouldn't be able to tell the difference. At first Nagisa didn't really pay much attention to it, but after the first three Nagisa was chuckling. He wondered where all those hair ties came from. 

Once everyone turned in their papers and everyone had pigtails in their hair, Nagisa spoke. "Just imaging if someone comes into this classro-" Nagisa was interrupted by a door opening. Principal Asano walked through the carrying a stack of papers. "Hey Nagisa-" He stopped talking when he looked up to the class who all simultaneously turned their heads to the principal. Asano did a 180 and walked out the door he came from while saying something about expecting to walk into a class, not a cult. All the students and Nagisa bursted out laughing. 

"Ok everyone," Nagisa said while laughing a little, " maybe you guys should take those out before we scar anyone else for life." This comment made all the students sit up in their chairs and stop laughing. Nagisa raised an eyebrow at their responds to what he said. Airi-kun stood up and politely coughed into his fist before speaking. " We will not take out our hair ties until you take out yours." He said before he sat back down. 

Nagisa contemplated this suggestion for a few seconds before bringing his hands up to his hair. The students eyes widened and the leaned forward in their seats. Their teacher took out his hair ties and let his long light blue hair drop onto his shoulders. They all gasped. It was kind of weird seeing their teacher without his hair up, but the definitely liked it. Nagisa blushed slightly from embarrassment. They all started to take out their own hair ties. 

Aiki started to talk again. "Wow sensei! I didn't expect you to be so pretty with your hair down! I'm even more surprised you don't have a girlfri-  Oww!" Yamazaki elbowed him. "What Aiki-kun was trying to say," Yamazaki continued for him with giving him a death stare. "You hair looks really nice sensei. Why don't you have it down more?" Yamazaki asked him. Nagisa scratched his neck.

"Well I don't really like having long hair. I do like it in pig tails though! I had my hair like this for so many years that I feel it would be kind of weird to change it out of no where." Nagisa responded truthfully.  The students just nodded. The bell rang, signaling that it was time for snack. 

"Okay everyone! After snack, we'll pick a movie to watch. I'm feeling better now but I already promised a free day so I guess we're watching a movie." Nagisa said as he dismissed the class. 

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