At home

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Okay, so this part is going to be shorter than the first one (925 words) but basically, this is about what happens after school on the first day with Nagisa. Also try to guess who the principal is in the comments 😏 (hint: It's not an OC). Also sorry that it's a little rushed at the end. I just wanted to get it out in time.

Nagisa walks out of the front doors of the school and into the parking lot. He sees a few students talking in the parking lot while he's walking to his car. Nothing looked out of the ordinary until he saw a few big looking guy crowded around a girl. Nagisa hasn't seen these guys in his class, so he assumed that they're from the upper classes. Nagisa glanced at the girl and realized that she's one of his students, Hayashida-chan! She looked really scared.

"Come one girly you're too cute to be in class 3-5. I bet i could convince to principal to transfer you to another class if you let us have some fun~" said one of the guys with not blond hair, but yellow hair. Nagisa knew he had to step in. 

"Hey!" Nagisa screamed "Leave her alone!" The student's attention shifted to the small bluenette and the yellow-hair guy walked up to Nagisa. "What are you going do? Tell the teacher?" He said in a mocking tone.

"I am the teacher" Nagisa informed the bully. But he just laughed. "Ok well, leave before you get hurt too, 'teacher'" He said while making air quotes when he said 'teacher'. Nagisa almost laughed at the student attempt at being intimidating. "Yeah... that's not going to happen. Don't you have anything better to do other than being a d*ck?" Nagisa said. This surprised Hayashida-chan and she honestly would have been worried for her teacher if she didn't already know Nagisa was fully capable of taking this bully down. The bully though, was oblivious to this fact. 

"Why you little-" The bully was in the middle of throwing a punch when Nagisa dodged and brought the student down to the ground before he could finish his sentence. Nagsia smiled menacingly at the bully and said  "Now, I recommend that you leave my student alone unless you want me to embarrass you even more in front of your friends." Nagisa got off the pinned down student, smiled at Hayashida-chan and walked away like nothing happened. All of the upper-class bullies were shocked and decided not to mess with the cute-looking brown haired girl while that teacher was working at the school. But, they realized that they could get rid of their blue-haired problem but getting him fired. They decided to tell the principal about what happened. Of course they would leave out the bullying part .

Nagisa knew of the consequences of what he had done, but if he had a chance re-do the situation, he wouldn't change a thing. Nagisa walked to his house while thinking about how he was going to explain the proposal he made to the students in class to Karma.

— + — ~ — + —

"You did what?!?!" Karma asked after his bluenette told him about his day at school. "Why would you do that? You know i can't lose you!" Karma was always really protective of Nagisa so it didn't really surprise Nagisa when Karma reacted badly to the news.

"Karma calm down. I didn't assign them to actually kill me. I assigned to get me in a situation that would lead me to my death so I'm going to be fine!" Nagisa told the red-head while trying to calm him down. Karma pouted his lips and crossed his arms with a "hmph" Nagisa could definitely tell that Karma was against the idea but Nagisa went up to Karma and reassured him that he'll be fine. Karma calmed down and went on to make dinner while Nagisa was preparing the lessons for the next day. Soon after, Karma called his lover to the dinner table. 

"So..." Karma started "I was think, what if we went to celebrate?" Nagisa looked up at Karma. "Celebrate? Celebrate what?" Karma smirked "Well, I mean you did just become a teacher and we both now that you've been wanting to become one ever since junior high, so we should celebrate!" Nagisa smiled and asked how. Karma responded with "Well, what if we go to the movies? We haven't gone in a while." Nagisa's eyes lit up "Oh! You're right. That's a great idea Karma!" The couple finished their meals before getting ready for the movies.

— + — ~ — + —

Karma and Nagisa enjoyed the movies. The movies brought back memories of the time Nagisa and Karma went to Hawaii with Koro-sensei to see the sequel of Sonic Ninja. The movie they watched was actually directed by the same director in Sonic Ninja and the sequel.They got popcorn and slushies and sat down in their seats.

After the movie was over, Nagisa looked at Karma and saw his signature sadistic grin ask he reached into his pocket and pull out some hot sauce. Before Nagisa could stop him, Karma poured some into the buttering machine and grabbed Nagisa's hand and ran out the theater. No one noticed Karma's prank so they quickly but quietly ran away from the scene and to their escape car and the second they got in the car, they started laughing their butts off. They got home and fell sleep in each other's arms.

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