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 Hello everybody! Sorry I posted a day late. I was at a sleepover with my best friend so I couldn't finish the chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. This chapter is 1300 words long. EnJoY!!!

Nagisa is very good at keeping up with his students. Especially their relationships. When he became a teacher, he realized that he shared the same curiosity that Koro-sensei had. Koro-sensei always wanted to hear all the latest tea on who was dating who and now Nagisa did too. He just happened to be better at it than his teacher. 

While Nagisa was walking to school like a normal person (jumping from roof to roof), he noticed something... intriguing. From the rooftop, he could clearly see one of his students talking to someone that was not in class 3-5. This was rather unusual since the students from other classes disliked the bottom class and therefore never really talking to them willingly unless it was some crude and mean comments. So when Nagisa saw one of his students that he identified as Kimora talking to a female that was not in their class and the girl did not seem to be saying anything unkind, judging by the smiles present on the faces of both parties, he was immediately intrigued. 

The girl that Nagsia's student was talking to had long curly black hair that was pulled into a ponytail that flowed in the wind and bangs that hung over her eyes. Nagisa couldn't see the color of her eyes since he was close enough to identify their shade but he did notice her blanched visage. She was wearing a white dress that seemed to have orange dots on it and a black long-sleeved undershirt. She was also wearing white boots that went up to her knees. She had an orange backpack on her back. 

Nagisa lied down on the roof to eavesdrop on what they were happily talking about. Sure it may have been a little creepy for him to be listening in but it wasn't doing any harm to anyone so it didn't really seem wrong to the petite teacher. He was lucky that the two were standing in hearing distance of the building that he was currently lying down on. 

"So are you free afterschool by any chance Satou?" Nagisa heard Kimora ask the black-haired girl. He couldn't see the girl's expression but he could tell that she had a smile on her face. He also now knew that the girl's name was Satou. 

"Sure! Can we go to that nice ramen shop that we visited last time? I really liked that one and it was close to my house." Satou asked Nagisa's student. Nagisa could determine from this conversation that they had met before. The small teacher wondered if they were friends or more than friends. He probably could determine which they were if he was just a little bit closer. 

Nagisa was really good at reading expressions. He figured that out a long time ago, back before he became a teacher and even before Nagisa and Karma started dating. Karma and Nagisa were hanging out one day when Nagisa noticed something weird about the way Karma looked at him. They were only eating ice cream so there was really no reason for Karma to stare at him with his full attention. When Nagisa caught him staring, Karma's eyes averted almost immediately. Karma never blushed so when Nagisa saw his cheeks turn a little pink, barely noticeable but still noticed by the bluenette, Nagisa realized why Karma was staring at him like that. Staring at him like there was nothing else he would rather look at for the rest of his life. Karma liked him. 

In all the romance movies Nagisa saw, the couple was always so oblivious to the other one's feelings. There was usually some pining and some drama before they finally realized it. Nagisa expected that to be what it was like in real life too. He didn't realize that it was so easy to tell when someone had a crush on him. The only other time someone had a crush on him was Kayano and Nagisa figured that one out quickly. He just thought that she was purposefully being obvious. He just chose to ignore it since he didn't want to make anything awkward.

Even though he was kind of disappointed that he figured it out easily and didn't get to live out a cheesy rom-com, he was also very happy with the revelation since he too had a crush on Karma. Nagisa decided that maybe he could still live out a rom-com if he played his cards right. Nagisa asked him to a bunch of romantic places like a picnic and even asked him to go on one of those "tunnels of love" at an amusement park that only couples went on. In the end, he got tired of waiting for the red-headed boy to get the hint and just asked him out. Karma said yes and later told Nagisa that the only reason he didn't ask him out was that he was waiting for Nagisa to get the hint and ask him out. They had a good laugh about that one.  

In short, Nagisa was good at reading expressions as long as he was close enough to actually see the expressions. If only he just got a little closer... Nagisa looked to his right where he saw a tree. The tree was indeed closer to the two and if Nagisa was on that tree then he could see if they were dating or not. Nagisa made his way to the tree and he jumped off of the roof and landed on the tree. He saw the two student's eyes snap towards him but they didn't seem to notice him since they just went back to their conversation. 

Nagisa decided to get even closer to see their faces since he couldn't see them from where he was since there were leaves in front of his face. When he stepped forward, he realized a second too late that he forgot to test the branch to see if it was stable. He fell out of the tree. Nagisa looked up to see Kimora was staring at him. Though he couldn't see the Satou girl because of the angle in which he landed. 

"Nagisa-sensei?" Kimora questioned. "What are you doing?" Nagisa quickly got up and dusted himself off before answering. 

"Ah... well, you see... I was jumping off of rooftops again and I tried jumping on a tree... not as easy as it looks. I don't know how Tarzan does it." He said. 

"Who's Tarzan?" Kimora questioned

"You wouldn't understand." Nagisa says while shaking his head disapprovingly. 

Nagisa remembers that the girl Kimora was talking to was standing next to him. He was about to get a look at her face when she started talking.

"I got to go to class now. Bye, my love. I'll see you after school." She said while walking up to him and kissing him on the cheek. Kimora's face turned red as he said his goodbyes to Satou and Nagisa. Nagisa didn't get a look at her expression but he did feel the need to since he literally saw her kiss Kimora and heard her call him "my love" which, in Nagisa's opinion, was less cute than the nickname Karma called him. "Blueberry" just sounds too cute to even compete with a nickname like "my love". Nagisa felt like he got his answer from the exchange either way. They were dating. 

If only Nagisa did get to see her expression. 

Then he would have seen that there was no real love written on her face. 

Then he would have seen that Kimora's girlfriend was nothing but a fraud.

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