Plan in Action

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Hello everybody. Thank you for all the support! I really like this chapter so I hope you guys like it as much as me! I Tried to make it intense so I hope it worked. I did make it a little shorter than the last but I think it's still a decent length. Anyways, this chapter was around 1370 words long. Enjoy!

"Okay is everybody here?" Imai asked the people surrounding her. They were at same library where they met the day before. The only difference was that they were not seated at the same table that they were sat at yesterday since a group of students from another school was occupying it before they even arrived. This time, they were at a slightly smaller table closed to the entrance of the library, unlike the day before since the other table was at the very back. The students at the the new table were forced to squeeze in together if they wanted to all be seated. Luckily, Kure volunteered to stand so that they could have a little more space. 

"Benjiro's not here yet." Miki, Benjiro's sister, mentioned to the group. Hayashida gave a small, hopeful smile.

"Maybe he's just a little late." She said as reassurance. Benjiro was the most passionate about this mission so there's no way he could bail on the, right? Worry filled the wavering silence. What if he got in trouble whist trying to obtain the gas? What if he got caught by the police for obtaining it? What if-

The hammering thoughts were abruptly stopped when they heard the door of the library. Every time it would open, the group would think that it was Benjiro, only to see a random person walk in instead. This time though, when the door opened, a black haired teenage boy walked through with a tote bag in his left hand who looked almost identical to Miki.  

Benjiro sat down at the only available seat at the table and put the bag that he was holding onto of the table. "Okay, I have the anesthetic gas. The only thing left to do is make a plan. Lucky for you guys, I already have one." Benjiro said with a devious smile. That got the group's attention. 

"Okay everybody. The plan is..." 

— + — ~ — + —

It didn't really bother Nagisa that he was getting a cutesy lunch everyday anymore. He kind of got use to the teasing that was occasionally given to him by Kimora. The food was also really good so he couldn't really complain. 

Karma handed Nagisa his lunch and pulled him in for a kiss before Nagisa left their house. Nagisa giggled and kissed back, a little flustered. They said their goodbyes and Nagisa exited the house. 

It was a good morning.

He got to go to sleep earlier than usual and it always made his morning better if he was well rested. He was walking to school since he didn't sleep in. That was another upside to the morning ; a nice walk. It was a beautiful morning for a walk. The recently risen sun was shinning light onto the gorgeous trees around him. When Nagisa passed the sakura tree that he passed each morning, he noticed that some of the branches held freshly bloomed flowers. The tree branches were preforming a dance with the wind surrounding them.

When Nagisa arrived in front of the school, he decided that it would be a calm day. A calm and beautiful day. Oh how wrong he was...

— + — ~ — + —

It was bizarre really. Normally when Nagisa walks into his classroom, the students are chattering away. Yamazaki telling Imai about some show she binged the night before or Aiki telling Koda some cringy jokes that are so bad that they become funny or Kure yelling at Kimora to shut up. There's no mindless chatter when Nagisa walks into class. The students are silent with the exception of Aiki since he was in the middle of explaining to Yamazaki that all geese hate humans on a personal level. Another weird thing is that Kure seems to be absent, or at least late. 

It was pretty weird, but it wasn't the first time. A few weeks ago, the class decided that they wanted to do a Kahoot during math class because they thought it looked fun. When Nagisa came to school that day, they were extremely silent. It was quite unsettling even though they probably did it because they thought that if they were silent and behaved when he walked into the room, he would be more likely to agree to the Kahoot. Nagisa decided that they must want something again. Nagisa looked at his desk and noticed something.

"Hey. Where is Satan?" Nagisa asked, referring to beautiful and well behaved snake that he had got for the class as a pet. They decided to name the snake "Satan" because when Asano first saw the class pet, he said "Not today satan." Nagisa knew that the principal was not actually referring to the snake when he said satan, but he still couldn't help but name her Satan.

"Oh Matsuo really wanted to hold her." Hayashida observed as she pointed a finger at her classmate. Matsuo did indeed have a snake rapped around his neck. That was sort of normal, except Matsuo usually asked before holding the animal. 

"Okay, just next time ask if you want to hold her. I want to make sure I always know where she is or else she might escape and I wouldn't even know." Nagisa explained. Matsuo only gave his teacher a small nod and Nagisa figured that was probably because he didn't want to disturb the snake. 

Nagisa walks up to his desk which is in front of the class, right in front of the black board. He sits down at the teacher's desk and reaches down to pick up his bag that is resting against his desk. He pulled out a black leather book that he used as his agenda. He filled to the last page that he wrote on to make sure which lesson he was suppose to teach in the morning. He always planned which lesson he would be teaching the day before at the very least to make sure he wasn't all over the place with his lessons.

"Okay everybody, please take out your history notebooks." Nagisa said as they all reached to grab their books for their bags. Matsuo already took his book a head of time so that he didn't need to disturb Satan the snake. 

Nagisa started with his lesson. When he got to the part when he went to the black board for his students to write in their notebooks, he observed a hand raise. "Yes Aiki?" Nagisa called on the student. For some reason Aiki looked kind of nervous to Nagisa. Was he nervous to ask Nagisa a question? 

"Umm... Can I please borrow a pencil? I forgot my pencil case at home last night." Aiki asked Nagisa-sensei. 'Oh. Why was he so nervous to ask for pencil?' Nagisa thought. That's kind of weird. Then, of course, Nagisa started to over analyze the situation.

"Wait, why did you have your pencil case out? I didn't assign any homework for today." Nagisa observed curiously. The student stiffened. 

"Umm.. well... I kind of wanted to start on the essay for next week. I wanted to stop procrastinating." Aiki said cautiously. The teacher's face broke into a smile. His students were becoming more responsible! Nagisa was so proud that he didn't even realize the hesitation in Aiki's voice.

"Oh, that's fine then!" Nagisa said with a smile as he walked up to his desk. He reached down to open the top drawer while he finished his sentence. "Just make sure to bring it nex-" Nagisa opened the drawer and immediately stopped talking. 

When Nagisa opened the drawer, some weird pinkish gas started to rise out of it. He looked at his students with worry, only to see them all smiling at him. Nagisa held his breath as the opaque gas clouded his vision, covering his view completely. 

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