"Nagisa-sensei? Do you have a girlfriend?"

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Hello! I know it's been a little longer than a week but I actually am back at school so I don't have as much free time to update as i would like (and I'm lazy). I'm also going to make one of Nagisa's classmates from the anime a teacher so try to guess who it is if you want. Hint: it's a girl. I'm sorry for not posting earlier! This chapter is around 730 words long. 

Two weeks have passed and the class is slowly warming up to their new teacher. The students start to get a little curious about Nagisa's personal life. All they know is that he knew their principal back and junior high and he has a roommate who loves to make him girly lunches to school to embarrass their teacher.

One day, Yamazaki-chan, the purple haired girl who never listens in class and sketches in her notebook all the time, raised her hand to ask a question. Nagisa was happily surprised to see her raising her hand because he thought that she was finally participating in class. "Yes Yamazaki?" Nagisa asked.

"Nagisa-sensei? Do you have a girlfriend?" Yamazaki asked while smirking. Nagisa was taken back by this question. He blushed a little while thinking of his sadistic red head. "Umm..." Nagisa was trying to figure out how to respond to such a question. It is true that he is dating someone but the question asked if he was dating a girl so the answer would be no.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend." Nagisa replied truthfully.

This response gained some sympathetic awws from the students. One of the female student even suggested that they should help their teacher get a girlfriend. Nagisa ignored their comments and went back to teaching.

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When the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, most of the students stayed in their classroom like they normally do. The ones that don't stay in class either go to the roof top of the school parking lot because whenever the students go in the cafetaria, the upper classes go out of their way to get class 3-5 in trouble. 

Normally everyday, Nagisa stays in class with his students and eats his lunch with them, occasionally telling his students stories from his junior class years. The students never believe the stories so he somethings lies about some of the details like how his teacher was a huge yellow octopus. It's not like they'd believe him is he told the truth either way. 

But today, Nagisa wasn't staying in class. He left the class, leaving his students bamboozled (sorry i had to). The students started talking amongst themselves, theorizing about why he decided to eat somewhere else for a change. "Maybe he does have a girlfriend and he lied to us." asked Kure-chan. (If you don't remember who she is, she is the girl with white hair and blue streaks). 

Some of the her class mates look shocked while others didn't really react. Yamazaki spoke up after a few silent seconds. "But he doesn't have a reason to lie about that kind of stuff! why would he?" Kure-chan looked her as if she was dumb. "Do you seriously think that a teacher would actually care about us? He's probably just pretending to care about us." Now all the students where staring at her, a little shocked that she thought that expect for Matsuo-kun since he believed the same thing as her. Hayashida-chan was certain that he cared about them because of what happened with those bullies two weeks ago. He could have lost his job on the second day of school just to defend her. She really thought he cared for them even though he can be scary at times. 

Yamazaki and Kure where arguing while the other students tried to find a way to end their argument. Finally Hayashida-chan came up with an idea. " What if we follow Nagisa-sensei to see if he is telling the truth or not. If he is lying, We'll confront him about it later. If not, then we help him find a girlfriend because he is nice to us unlike like every other teacher and he deserves to be happy with someone." Yamazaki and Kure stopped arguing and a few minutes later, the three girls went to follow their teacher.

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