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Hey! Before I talk about anything else, I just wanted to say that I might started putting the author's notes at the end of chapter to avoid spoilers. So today I reread the description thingy and I realized how dramatic it sounds. I haven't really written anything dramatic yet so I just wanted to ask you guys if I should change it until something actually dramatic happens. This chapter is 920 words long. Sorry it's not more than 1000 words like usual. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Karma and Nagisa walked through the front door of the tattoo parlor and entered cool looking place. They walked to the front desk and saw a girl with straight long brown hair. The girl had a lip piercing and dark blue eyeshadow on. She was wearing a white tube top and some dark blue high rise jeans. Since her arms weren't covered, Nagisa and Karma could clearly see that she had a sleeve of tattoos going up her left arm. The girl also had a lot of piercing on her ears. "Hello, what can I do for ya today?" The girl said while chewing some gum. 

"Hello, is Emiko here?" Nagisa asked. The brunette looked puzzled for a second before answering. "Your'e speaking to her." Nagisa's face lite up."Oh! Well I'm your Hayashida's teacher. I saw that she had a tattoo and I asked her were she got it since my boyfriend here," Nagisa gestured toward Karma, "has always wanted a tattoo and she told me that her sister has a tattoo parlor! I was wondering if we could get a tattoo." 

Emiko eyes lite up. "You're Haya's teacher. You're shorter than I imagined." Nagisa pouted his lips with a 'hmph' and she laughed. "Okay well let's get your boyfriend a tattoo then!" 

— + — ~ — + —

Emiko was cleaning up the parlor since she had just closed it. There wasn't much to clean up though, because the parlor wasn't too busy that day. Once she was done cleaning up, she exited through the front door and closed it behind her. Emiko walked to the front door of her car and entered into it. She started up the car and made her way to her mother's house. Normally she would have gone to her apartment but she decided that she would visit her parents and her sister. 

She entered through the front door and was greeted by her mother. "Hello Emi! I'm so glad you decided to join us for diner tonight!" Emiko's mother walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Yeah, I didn't really feel like eating takeout for the fourth time in a row." Emiko chuckled as she hugged her mother back. 

"Hey Emi!" Emiko heard her little sister, Hayashida, say. "Hey Hayashi." Emiko called back. Hayashida went to the kitchen and grabbed a smoothie that she had made earlier and sat down on the couch. "Emi, I made a smoothie, you can have some before diner." Hayashida told her sister as she pulled out her phone and turned it on. Emiko decided to join her and retrieved her own smoothie and plopped down on the couch beside Hayashida. 

Around thirty minutes later, Emiko and Hayashida were called to the diner table. Emiko observed that they were having Katsudon for diner. They all sat down to eat and started talking. Hayashida eventually asked Emiko how the parlor was today. "Oh! Actually Hayashi, your teacher and his boyfriend came to the parlor today! His boyfriend got a really sick tattoo!" Emiko said as she put another bite of food in her mouth. 

Hayashida almost choked on her food. "W-wait... Did you say boyfriend?" Hayashida asked her older sister. "Umm... Yeah? I think his name was Karma or something like that." Emiko told her sister with I confused expression. She got even more confused when a huge smiled appeared on Hayashida's face. "Uh.. Hayashi? Are you okay?" Emiko said worriedly. "Don't worry, I'm more than okay." Hayashida said as she went back to eating. 

— + — ~ — + —

The next day Hayashida came into class early and there were only a few students there. The students consisted of Koda, Imai, Yamazaki and another student named Wakumi. She never  really socializes with anyone and is normally reading but for some reason, she was talking with the rest of the students. She had dark red hair and a freckled face. 

Hayashida walked over to the group and they greeted her. Imai, Wakumi and Koda continued to talked together so Hayashida made her way over to Yamazaki. "Hey Yamazaki, guess what? My sister said that Nagisa-sensei went to her tattoo parlor and guess who he went with?" Hayashida asked her friend with excitement written all over her face. Before Yamazaki could guess, Hayashida told her. "His boyfriend!" Hayashida said rather loudly. "Who's boyfriend?" Wakumi asked Hayashida. "Na-" 

"Nobody's." Yamazaki interrupted and grabbed Hayashida's hand and dragged her out of the classroom. "Don't tell anyone." Yamazaki told Hayashida. The brown haired girl was confused. "Why not?" She asked Yamazaki. "Because Nagisa-sensei wants everyone to figure it out on their own." Yamazaki told the brown haired girl. Hayashida nodded but she quickly realized something. "Wait... Did you already know?" Hayashida asked the purple haired girl. "Yeah, I saw them on a date." Hayashida was still shocked. Yamazaki started walking towards the classroom door. Before she entered in, she turned towards Hayashida and put a finger to her mouth, signifying to stay quiet. 

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