Smells like Oranges

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I'm now very excited about the future of this story. I hope you guys like this chapter because I really like it. Also, try to guys where the name "Satou" comes from. I recently watched an anime where the main character's name was Satou. Anyways, this chapter is words 1070 long. Enjoy!

The class was collectively waiting for Kimora to come back. The day before, after class was finished, Kimora asked his mysterious girlfriend if she wanted to meet them and she agreed. Kimora told them to meet him at the gate right after school. All of them were here with the exception of Miki since she came down with a cold according to her brother. But there was also one other person who was there yet. It was Kimora. 

When the class was told to meet them right after school, they assumed that Kimora and his girlfriend that they probably should have at least asked the name of. That's another thing though. They know nothing about the girl. They did want to pry into Kimora's relationship since they were already glad that he share this information with them this early on into the relationship, but in hindsight, they probably should have at least asked her name. 

They finally see their classmate approaching them with a girl next to him. She had long curly black hair and eyes in a vibrant orange color that sparkled in the sun. Her skin was a ghastly white that looked like it barely had any pigment in it at all. Her almond-shaped eyes were had very pretty brown eyeshadow above them on her eyelids. Her thin lips were a nice peach shade that matched her outfit. she was wearing a peach skirt and a white blouse. She had long white socks on and black boots. She was wearing a headband that matched her orange eyes. As she walked closer to them, the group noticed that she smelled strongly of orange. They all admired her beauty while Yamazaki tried to remember where she had seen this girl before. 

"Hello!" She greeted cheerfully. Yamazaki's purple eyes met the orange eyes of Kimora's girlfriend and Yamazaki realized that the reason she seemed to recognize her was that the black-haired girl in front of her was the same girl who Yamazaki saw Kimora chatting with the day before on her way to school. 

"Hey," Yamazaki stared "My name is Yamazaki Sayuri but you can call me Yamazaki. What's your name." She told the girl. The girl's eyes narrow a little and it almost seems to Yamazaki that she was trying to be menacing but she quickly dismissed it. There's no way that the sweet-looking girl was mean right? 

"Hi! Nice to meet you, Yamazaki. You can just call me Satou." Satou said and suddenly her face when back to normal. Back to looking sweet. "That was kind of strange..."  Yamazaki thought to herself. She dismissed the sudden change of mood and thought of why she looked like someone Yamazaki had seen before. Yamazaki realized that she didn't only recognize the girl from yesterday. She felt like she had seen the girl before that day. 

The other classmates chatted with Satou excitedly. Yamazaki tuned them out and looked at Kimora. He honestly looked happier than she had ever seen him. He was looking at his girlfriend with amour in his eyes. She felt... off. Almost like she felt bad for him but couldn't put her finger on why. She looked back at Satou. She was in the middle of talking rapidly with Hayashida about something that Yamazaki couldn't be bothered to listen to. Satou seemed very nice and polite so why did Yamazaki feel something off about the girl?

"Hey, Satou, do you go to this school?" Koda asked the girl and Yamazaki's disinterest in the conversation suddenly went away. Satou shifted awkwardly. She gave off the impression that she really didn't want to answer the question asked. She answered it anyways.

"Well... I do go to this school. I'm from class 3-2. I promise I won't hold any prejudice against you guys just because you're stupi- umm... I mean.. in the bottom class though." Satou said. Yamazaki looked around her class, wondering if they noticed that she was about to call them stupid. She was shocked that nobody showed any sign of noticing. Yamazaki started to question if she really did hear the slipup or just imagined it. 

Yamazaki really hoped she imagined it. 

 — + — ~ — + —

Her black boots thumped against the ground as she walked the hall. Other than the boots, there were no other sounds in the hallway. That didn't really surprise her since there was no reason for any other sounds to be present. After all, Satou was the only one in the halls of the school at this time. 

It was way past closing time. If it weren't for her key to the school, she wouldn't have even been able to get in. Satou made sure to change into her only black hoodie before sneaking in. In hindsight, she probably should have changed to some shoes that didn't make loud thumps whenever they collided with the ground. 

A buzz came from her pocket. The vibrations of her phone kept on coming as she lifted it out of her hoodie pocket and picked up the phone call. She brushed her hair behind her ear and lifted the phone to her ear. A voice came from the other end. Satou listened to the voice while it spoke to her before answering it. 

"Yes. I'm here. -- Yes. I'm ready. -- I know what to do. You don't need to remind me again. -- No. They don't suspect a thing. -- Yes. The plan worked like you said it would. He gave me a key to the classroom. I'm going there right now. -- Okay. I'll call you when I'm done. Goodbye." Satou said to the voice before she hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket. 

Her black grove touched the classroom doorknob as she turned it. The door opened with ease. She walked in and immediately made a b-line towards the teacher's desk. She searched the desk for a few minutes. She swore when she realized that it wasn't there. Satou quickly left the school building, defeated that she couldn't find it. 

"Mother will be so mad." She said as she fled the scene. 

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