The Perfect Prank

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Hello everybody! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I really liked writing it. Honestly, I feel like i'm just giving you guys book recommendations. #murdertrending is an amazing book and if you like this type of book, then I definitely recommend it. There's also a sequel call #murderfunding which is equally as good. Anyways, this chapter is words 1666 long. Enjoy!

Rio loves to tease Nagisa. It was really funny how easily flustered he would get from the embarrassing things she would do or say. So when Rio realized that she hadn't pranked Nagisa in a few months, well, she decided right then and there that that was going to change. She need it to be the perfect prank. An idea worked itself into her brain as a smirk took over her face. 

Breaking into a house was pretty easy. Even though she didn't necessarily need to break in since she could have just asked Karma for the keys but she wanted it to be a surprise for both parties. She tried to find a way in via open window or something, but there was nothing. She did the only thing she could think of. She picked the lock to their side door. She already knew the layout of the house and knew that the front door makes a lot of noise when opened and it happened to be very close to their room. The side door was better though because it led straight to the kitchen which was far enough any from the room so that it was not heard when opened. 

Rio knew that the couple was probably asleep considering that Nagisa had to get ready for work early in the morning and Karma usual slept at the same time as his boyfriend since he liked to cuddle with the other. Karma was a light sleeper so she knew she had to be stealthy when she tip toed into their room. She quickly snuck  into the couple's closet and did some meddling. When she was done with her prank, she snuck out of the closet and took a picture of the couple cuddling because she just couldn't resist. 

She left the premise with out a single trace. 

— + — ~ — + —

Nagisa woke up well rested. He was woken up to his boyfriend playing with his hair. When Karma noticed that Nagisa had awoken, he placed a soft kiss to his forehead. "Good morning my little blueberry." Karma said to his boyfriend. Nagisa blushed at the pet name as he yawn and started to lift himself up to a sitting position. 

"Morning Karma." He said with a smile. Nagisa planted a little kiss on his boyfriend's lips and got off the bed. Karma did the same called out to Nagisa. "Hey Nagi, I'm going to go make up some breakfast. Come get some when you're ready." Karma called out. Nagisa hummed in agreement as Karma left their room. 

Nagisa walked over to the closet. He opened the door and eye's widened. He stood in silence, trying to processes what he say in front of him. When he finally realized that what he saw in front of him wasn't a hallucination, he scream.

— + — ~ — + —

All of class 3-5 was waiting in their sets. Some of them were talking together while others were reading books. Wakumi was in the middle of reading #murdertrending while Yamazaki was drawing a cherry blossom tree. They were honestly expecting a normal day which was their mistake. Something that they should have known by now was that in class 3-5, you should always expect the day to be bizarre. 

When the classroom door opened, the class knew that the person coming in. Some of them didn't bother to look up because it was just Nagisa-sensei. They saw him five days a week. There was nothing different about him, right? The students who didn't look up heard gasps. They looked up as well and mirrored their gasps.

Nagisa was stood in the doorway he was wearing his hair in his infamous pigtails and was holding his bag in front of him with both hands. The bag didn't actually end up hiding the skirt he was wearing. Their teacher was wearing a black skirt that had black suspenders and a white blouse. He was wearing black boots to match and thigh high black socks. He. Looked. So. Cute. 

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