Chapter 16

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Dahyun's POV

"Hyun, do we really have to go home? You know we can stay a little bit longer here, right?" I glance at Nayeon and saw my girlfriend pouting at me. I zip our duffle bags and tossed it on the bed.

I chuckled at her then take a step closer to her, as I peck her lips then nodded my head. "I know and I hate to say it but, yes baby. We have to go back home." I brush the strand of her hair that's blocking her face and tuck it behind her ear. "Your daughter misses you. Aren't you excited to see her?"

"Maybe, I guess." She said giving me a shrug. I kinked my eyebrows up at her answer. "Just kidding, of course I miss my baby. If we only brought her with us, then there's a possibility that the three of us will stay here, forever."

"But it was your idea not to bring her with us." I told her while reminding her what she told me at her text, the night before we go here. The older girl hugged my body and I did the same to her. She pouted and I can't help but giggle at her cuteness.

My girlfriend is so adorable. I can see the happiness glistening in her doe eyes. "I love you," I told her and she blushed again while she smiles at me widely.

"I know," Nayeon nuzzle her face on the crook of my neck and place a kiss on my expose skin.

"Let's go home?" I asked my girlfriend and I heard her sighed playfully then bobbed her head.

She untangled her arms around me as I grab both of our bags and Nayeon intertwining our fingers together.

We walked outside of the cabin and I locked it before we head outside of the forest. "I want to go back here soon. If that's okay with you?" Nayeon said while we keep on walking in this place full of trees.

"I was actually thinking that we could spend Chuseok or Christmas at cabin with Jeongyeon unnie and Chaeyoung and of course, Minjee." I said and I look at Nayeon.

"But Jeongyeon always go home during those holidays so she can celebrate it with her family, especially Chuseok. And she's always letting me and my daughter to tag along with her. And of course, since Minjee and I doesn't have anyone in our life except for Jeongyeon, we always go with her. And my Chuseok and Christmas these past five years have been really amazing because of the Yoo family." The taller girl informs me and she added, "Her family loves my daughter and I so much. And they are like my real family because they are treating Minjee and I as there own flesh and blood."

"Then that's great to hear. I'm glad that Jeongyeon unnie's family loves you." I said genuinely and Nayeon nodded her head at me.

"But now that you came in to my life, Minjee and I are happy that we don't only have Jeongyeon as our family but also you and Chaeyoung."

I press my lips on her temples and told her, "And I'm glad that I get to be a part of your family."

We were so busy talking while walking that we didn't even notice that my car is only three steps away from us.

As soon as I reach at my vehicle, I opened the passenger door and place our bags at backseats before I let Nayeon settle herself inside. I went to the driver's side and slipped inside my Audi.

We buckle our seatbelts and I started the engine and glance at my girlfriend before asking, "You ready to go home?"

"Not really," She laughed softly. "I want to see my daughter but at the same time, I don't want this day to end because I can't let you go to go back to your penthouse, then me... I'll be living in the apartment where Jeong and I shares." She take a deep breath and said, "I think it will feel a little bit weird, after we spent two days together, I'm kinda used to seeing you on the same bed with me, and I got use to see you sleeping next to me."

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