Chapter 25

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Dahyun's POV

I stare at the fresh forming bruises on the little kid's tan skin. There's a lot on her back and some are on her ribcage. Like what kind of people will hurt a poor and innocent child?

A lot of scenarios keep on running through my mind as the little kid said that her father was the one who did that to her. Did he punch her? Did he slap her? Or did he do something so sick to her that lead to him raping her? I just hope that he didn't do the last one because I will not hesitate to kill him with my bare hands.

"Kyungsoo did that to you?" My girlfriend's voice cracked as she asked the four-year-old kid, while she brushes her thumbs on Minjee's skin. That broke me out of my thoughts.

Minjee nodded her head and trap her lower lip between her teeth as her eyes started to flow down on her face. "How did you get this? What did he exactly do to you?" My eyes landed on the My girlfriend who's trying not to cry in front of her kid. I know she wanted to be strong for her and I know she doesn't want Minjee to see her breaking down.

I silently prayed that he didn't touch her in some parts that are private. I hope he didn't rape him because I swear, he will be buried alive.

"I- I showed him my- my drawing that I did at school." Minjee started off. "Teacher Jihyo wants us to- to draw another family- family picture. So- so I did. And I- I draw him also in my family- family picture because he is- he is my dad, right?" She asked and Nayeon nodded her head still holding back a sob. She brushes the strand of Minjee's curly locks as the little kid continues to tell us what happened.

"And then what happened?" Nayeon asked as she take a seat on the floor, still holding her little princess on her small body and examine the bruises.

"I showed- I showed it to him. He was- he was happy at first, then when he saw that Mommy was- was in the picture. He- he-" Minjee cried harder and shakes her head. "Mama, I'm- I'm scared." She choked on her own spit and her cries even went louder.

Nayeon spread her arms wide and gesture for her daughter to go to her. Minjee went to rush to her Mama's side and hug her mother's body tightly.

I can feel myself getting angry at the thought of him laying his hands on this little ball of sunshine. He is so fucking sick that he can take to hurt a four-year-old kid. What kind of a person he is?

I heard some sobs coming from the little girl and I can see her body shaking up. "Mama, I don't want to be with him. He's a monster. Don't let me be with him again, Mama. Please." My heart started to shatters on how broken the youngster sounded like.

"Did he- did he slap you?" The My girlfriend asked and Minjee went to nod her head. "Did he- did he punched you and hit you in your body that's why you got these bruises?"

"Ye-yes," She clutch Nayeon's shirt as the little girl buried her face further to her mother's shoulder. "He hit me so hard, he was drinking then he hit me. He said that I should not let you know about this or she will hurt you and Mommy. I don't want that to happen."

"So, this happened before? When was the first time he hit you?" My girlfriend questioned the toddler and Minjee keeps on sobbing out.

"Before you tell him I was sick." Her voice is muffled due to her face being buried on Nayeon's shoulder.

Oh, so he hit her before and he even threatened the child. What if- I shook my head and try to get the images of him pinning the little kid down. No, he didn't go that, far right? I just hope he didn't.

I swallowed a lump on my throat and look down at Minjee, "Did he- did do anything else to you? Other than he punched you?" I don't know how to asked her if Kyungsoo did that to her.

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