Chapter 9

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Dahyun's POV

I like Im Nayeon. I really like Im Nayeon.

Fuck! I know I've said it and I've realized it before. But fuck it! I'm scared. I'm scared that soon, I'll fall in love with her because I don't deserve her. She makes my heart and my mind goes crazy whenever she's around me. She makes me feel the zoo in my stomach everytime she smiles at me, hold my hand unintentionally or kiss my cheeks.

"Stop pacing back and forth, Dahyun-ah! I'm getting dizzy!" I heard Chaeyoung groaned behind me and I slumped down on the couch next to her.

The two of us decided to take a day off and let, Kang Daniel, the manager of the bar to take over for today. We needed to rest then we will get back to work for two or three weeks.

And I haven't seen Nayeon for almost a month. I've been busy helping Chaeyoung out at The Grid because these past two months, a lot of famous celebrities had and our bar was booked more than twenty times.

And fuck, a lot of things had happen for the last three months. Nayeon and I got more closer to each other and I feel like I'm really falling for her but I'm stopping myself. I've got a handful of hook-ups here and there, trying to get the older girl off of my mind.

We still exchanging messages, asking each other how we are doing but there's some times where Nayeon will just literally text me and tell me that, she wishes that I was there with her to spend time with her and Minjee because she misses me, something like that. And sometimes we will just flirt with each other, and I think Nayeon knows that she was doing it.

I lean back and buried my face on my hands. "What's up with you? You looked stressed," Chaeyoung went to pat my back and rub it.

"I think I like Nayeon." I breathed out quietly. I slowly glance at smaller girl and she furrowed her eyebrows together.


"I think I like Nayeon!" I groaned and she just smirked at me. "Don't give me that look!"

"Well, no shit Sherlock!" She gasped pretending to be shocked. "Took you long enough to fucking figured it out. Congratulations." She said and rolled her eyes at me.

"What do you mean?" I gave her a confuse look.

"You're so fucking obvious when you're around her bro. Your face fucking light up like a damn Christmas lights when the two of you are hanging around at our bar. And you even blushed when she kisses your cheeks." She chuckled and said, "And the first time you saw her, I know you've liked her. That's why I pushed you to kissed her because I know you're a damn pussy and you won't do it."

My mouth was slightly agape, like I can't believe that Chaeyoung is telling me these stuff, because she is right. And I don't want to admit it because I know I'll just feed her ego and make it damn bigger than it is.

"That's- that's not true, why would I be such a pussy on kissing a girl? I fucked so many of them." I stuttered out and trying to prove my point as I shift my gaze from her and keep my eyes locked at the center table.

"Shut up, Hyun. Stop lying. We both know that you're lying. I know you fucked so many girls but you wouldn't consider fucking Nayeon and leave her because you know she's far from being that." She laughed and continue. "And also the fact that you almost beat yourself up from getting her fired at that diner, you quickly think of a solution to make it up to her. Let's face it, if you did that to other person, you wouldn't even give a shit if they got fired or what."

I sighed, I don't even know what to say. I want to argue with her and tell her that she is wrong, that I will do it with everyone who I got them in trouble in their job, but that's a lie. As soon as I saw Nayeon's eyes when she got fired from her job, I can feel my heartbreaking and the guilt are starting to eat me up, and also some other weird feelings that I for sure, haven't felt before.

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