Chapter 5

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Dahyun's POV

"Congratulations, Ms. Im you're going to start your training next week." Chaeyoung said and went down to grab something inside her small drawer in her office desk.

Nayeon had her final interview with Chaeyoung some minutes ago and I've been sitting here inside the smaller girl's office, ever since she started asking her questions. I pretend like I was so engrossed with my phone when in reality, I'm listening to every words that slips pasts the brunette's mouth.

And I must say, Nayeon is really good at this question and answer thing during interviews and she's good at answering my best friend's question. She looks like she's really used to this kind of stuff.

She slammed down a thick booklet and she dust it off before handling it to the brunette who's sitting across of me. "Here," Nayeon takes it from her hand and I can see her eyebrows furrowed.

"You have four days to memorize all the drinks that our bartenders used to mix here, then I'll show you how to do it." The short-haired girl smiles at Nayeon and the young mom girl smiles back at her.

"Thank you so much, Chaeyoung." She stands up from her seat and went to where my best friend is sitting and give her a hug. "Thank you for giving me this job, I promise I won't let you down."

"I have no doubt of you letting us down." She hugged her back and pull away from the taller girl. "Just don't forget next week, alright? If I ever wanna reschedule your training, Dubu will tell you about it," She gestures to me and the brown-eyed brunette looks at me, I can't help but offer her a small smile.

I stand up from the couch where I was sitting and I almost stumble back when she rushed to my side and caught me off guard when she wrapped both of her arms around me. My heart started beating so fast and my stomach is doing some weird flips, what the fuck is happening to me?

My eyes suddenly landed at Chaeyoung who's smirking at me and making some kissing face. I flip her off and I awkwardly reciprocate Nayeon's hug. I pat her back three times before she pulls away. "Thank you, Dahyun-ah." She breathed out genuinely.

"Uh, no need to thank me." I chuckled nervously. Why am I being so nervous around her? I cleared my throat and said, "I'm the one who made you lose your job at the diner, I'm just making it up to you."

"But still, you know you don't have to do that right? You don't have to show up to the place where I live and beg for my forgiveness?" She said.

I take a deep breath and said, "I know but my guilt is eating me up. And I even felt worse when I found out that you have a child. I feel such an asshole for doing that to you," I admitted to her truthfully.

"Because you are. You're a fucking asshole," Chaeyoung said and Nayeon snickered at the smaller girl's remarked.

"Shut up! You're the one who asked me to kiss her." I scoff and roll my eyes at her.

"But I didn't know that you will do it." Chaeyoung said and shrug her shoulders and jump to take a seat on top of her wooden desk.

"You know I will do it because you told me that you will use one of my cars and eat my choco pies if I didn't,"

Before my best friend can argue back, Nayeon butted in and hold her hands up. "Okay, okay. Guys stop." She giggles cutely. "You don't have to fight who's fault it was. I'm fine now and I've already forgiven you." She smiles at me and when our eyes met, there it goes again, my heartbeat sped up again when she flashes one of her dazzling smile, showing her adorable bunny teeth.

I shifted my gaze from her and look at the wall behind her. "Ye-yeah, tha-thanks." I mentally slap myself for stuttering and being nervous around the young mom.

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