Chapter 8

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[a/n: so what's your twice ship? oh and that's minjee ^]

Dahyun's POV

I felt someone poking my cheek repeatedly making me flutter my eyes open and jolt up from the couch. God, we were so busy watching some Disney movies that I didn't even realized that I already fell asleep.

I look down and see the toddler kneeling on the foot of the couch while looking up to me. "Where's eomma?" She asked and I beckoned for her to climb up on my lap.

"She's still at work, Minjee." I told her and Minjee settle herself down on my lap then I place a kiss on her forehead.

The four-year-old place her head on my chest and wraps her small arms around my torso. "When is she coming back?"

I glance at the wall clock and saw that it's fifteen minutes before midnight. Damn, we were out for almost three hours. "Maybe later baby. Did you just woke up?" I can feel her nodding and I run my fingers through her brown locks. "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Minjee shakes her head no and tighten her grip on my body. "Dahyun unnie, I had a nightmare." She mumbled and she look up to me. Her brown eyes are staring back at me and I can feel my heart melting at the sight. She's so adorable. She really got her eomma's eyes.

"Do you want me to sleep next to you?" She bob her head up and down before muttering, please.

I lift myself as I scoop up the little girl in my arms and we went inside her bedroom.

"Can we sleep inside the fort that we built?" Minjee asked as I place her down gently on her bed.

"Okay then," I grab some of her blankets and pillows as we went inside the forth.

As we both settled inside, Minjee went to my side and cuddle with me. I can see how tense she looks and I eyed the little girl worriedly. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Do you think my appa loves me?" Okay, her question caught me off guard.

"Why did you asked that?" I sit up and pull her on my lap. I brush some strands of her hair and tucked it behind her ears.

"Because I haven't seen him before. I always asks eomma if I have an appa but she's not answering it. She's always telling me that he's far away. Does he hates me? That's why he doesn't want to see me anymore?" She asked and look down at her fumbling fingers that's resting on her lap.

I can feel my heart aches at the little kid. I don't know what to say because I'm not in the place to tell her that her eomma had a drunken hook up almost five years ago and even Nayeon doesn't know whose the father of her child.

"Minjee, he doesn't hate you. No one can hate you." I told her and she slowly lift her head up to face me. "You're a beautiful, smart and kind little girl, so it's impossible for someone to hate you." I tap the tip of her nose but she just gave me a small smile. "You know, if I'm going to have a kid, I wanted them to be just like you, or just you in general. I want you to be my kid,"

"Do you have a kid?" I shook my head no and she tilted her head. "Why?"

"Because I'm not yet ready to be a parent. I don't know how to take care of babies,"

"But you're taking care of me." She clasps her small hands together as she keeps her gaze at me. "Why?"

"Yeah, because it's easier to take care a kid at your age, since you can talk and tell me what do you want or what you don't." She nodded her head and I continue. "But taking care of babies are hard because they cannot tell you if something hurts to them or if they are not feeling really well. And I like being there around you, that's why I'm looking after you when you're eomma or ajumma are out because I always wanted to play with you. I want to make you happy."

'Till I Met You | DaYeonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin