Chapter 19

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“Why are we the only ones here again?” Jiro asked, glancing around the room that was only being occupied by five people including himself.

“The rest of the class are still working on their reports since it'll be due a few hours later,” Killian answered. “So yeah, we're pretty much the remaining ones here.”

“What about Kimberly?” Nyclaine asked, wondering about the current location of the energetic brunette during their free period.

“She's out helping Aurelia with something,” Raze replied before looking at Jiro and Nyclaine who were far away from the three of them. “What the hell are you two doing, sitting there on the other side of the room? Just get the fuck over here so the five of us can talk about something.”

“Fucking fine,” Jiro grumbled as he stood up to pick a seat closer to the rest of them. Nyclaine just smiled at the redhead's choice of language before doing the same.

Once they were all huddled around together, Killian reached inside his bag, pulling out several chocolate bars before tossing them to each one of them. After they muttered their appreciations, his gaze landed on Axelia before flashing her a knowing smirk.

She just rolled her eyes before accepting the chocolate. She knew very well why he did that. It had something to do with the sticky note she found clinging to her bedroom door with written words stating, ‘I know we were just kidding around but still, here's my number,’ followed by a couple of numbers. It was after she returned from leading them outside when she first saw the note. And once she finished reading it, she couldn't refrain herself from letting out a gentle chuckle.

“What is it?” Nyclaine asked, speaking for the first time since they were left alone when she noticed the way Jiro kept on staring at her. “Is there something on my face?”

Jiro shook his head in denial, blinking before finally tearing his gaze away from her. “Sorry. It's just, I remember you saying that you used to wear contacts.”

“Yeah, I did.”


“I think you know the answer to that better than anyone here, Jiro,” Nyclaine said with a faint smile. Her answer successfully caught the attention of the three who were satisfied just from listening to their exchange of words.

“Is it because of the...?” Raze asked, trailing off in purpose.

“Yeah,” she whispered. She took a deep breath before deciding it was about time to finally shed some light to her story. “You guys remember the two clans in our race that's currently on the brink of extinction, right?”

“Yes,” Axelia was the one who responded and when the blonde gestured for her to go on, she elaborated, “The two clans who were known for their distinct characteristics; abilities that only they seemed to possess. In previous times— long before the war started— one was referred to as seraphs, merely because of their abilities to fly. And although there were no records of the two clans having a conflict, the second made an atrocious reputation; one drastic enough for them to be remembered as demons.”

Nyclaine looked up at the ceiling before deciding to finish what Axelia started to explain, her voice turning quiet as she spoke the following words, “The second clan became feared by both races as time went by. They became known as the most dangerous kind of Nocturnals, because of many things. One is their unusual strength and speed, keen and sharpened senses, then there's also the ability that only they can control. But the very thing that made them so terrifying is their natural instinct to kill.”

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