Chapter 10

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“Where's Killian?” Axelia asked when their Professor entered the gymnasium with only Ace by his side.

“About that,” Ace started. “The nurse told him to stay back for a few minutes. She only let me out of there because they were no signs of any injury.”

“I really don't understand why they didn't just let me help him,” Nyclaine grumbled, obviously still upset because of Killian's previous condition.

“I'm sure he's doing fine,” Raze said in an attempt to comfort her. Anything else that he wanted to say didn't make it out of his mouth when he saw Professor Kyte walking directly their way.

He looked unsurely between the two of them before saying, “Miss Zeethedia and Mr. Auzraine, if the two of you are still comfortable in proceeding with your match, you're up in a minute.”

Looking at each other for a brief confirmation, they nodded their heads in agreement before Nyclaine responded for the two of them, “Alright, Professor.”

Giving a final glance at Axelia, Razael turned to follow their professor with Nyclaine trailing beside him. When the three of them stepped inside the separated room, she startled Ace by being the one to break the silence.

“Nyclaine did a good job healing you,” she said. He only stared at her, slightly surprised since she wasn't really the type of person to stir up a conversation. The two of them haven't even had a long exchange of words ever since school started.

“Yeah,” he replied. “She really did something other than aiding me. If she hadn't bolted through the door in time, God knows what could've happened.”

She could notice him shivering just from the thought of it. “I don't even know what the hell happened back there. He seemed like a completely different person.”

Axelia kept quiet, even though she had to agree with him at that point. What happened earlier was indeed an interesting turn of events. If anything, it only happened to confirm the answer for the question that had been bugging her mind for a while now.

Ace walked over to Eli, and as they began to start a conversation, Axelia focused her attention in front of her, just in time to capture their professor while he was walking out of the adjoining room after giving the essential instructions to Nyclaine and Razael for a brief moment.

Once everybody was settled, the same ambience began to coat the entire room for the second time, the atmosphere thickening with every suspenseful second. The silence was more than most of them could take so they chose to distract themselves by subtly wishing that the next pair would come out alright, desperately hoping that the following match would be nowhere similar to the last one.

Standing on both sides of the room, the two of them paid close attention to their professor. With a single nod, Professor Kyte gave the final signal, the timer was set as the rest were standing on pins and needles, watching from the other side as the match officially began.

Taking his stance, Raze remove his right hand from his pocket, looking to be as laid-back as the first time Axelia saw him. Razael's eyes began to gleam darker as pale blue lights became slightly visible to their eyes before a sword appeared in his awaiting hand. The edges of the metal were glinting against the illuminated lights, carrying a silent warning of the sharpness of it's blade.

Without any sign of being intimidated, a smile was tugging at her lips when Nyclaine said, “Don't hold back on me.”

Flashing her his signature smirk, he replied, “Wouldn't dream of it.”

The sword that Razael was holding a second earlier was suddenly launched towards her with a swift gesture of his hand. Taking a single step to her side while swaying her body against the wind, she avoided it with ease, causing the weapon to crash against the wall behind her instead.

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