Chapter 15

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“All in all, there are twenty students in this class,” Professor Mendell said. “But unfortunately, two of you failed the latest examination.”

All attention then turned towards Asher and Xavier who were only grinning sheepishly with their heads down.

“The rest who passed will proceed to be assigned into groups for your history report due next Monday.” He stared at them seriously before warning, “Now, don't take this too lightly. I'll have you know that this will take a large portion of your mark in this subject.”

Different reactions filled the classroom, some exclaiming in surprise while others were just nodding their heads along.

“Those who failed will have to take remedial classes and will be partaking in another kind of activity.” He took a glance at the clipboard in his hands before reading the following names. “The first group will consist of Mariposa, Zy, Bonvatte, Albian, Valiez and Galotine.”

Those who were already called automatically turned their heads to look at their group members. Satisfied murmurs could be heard as well as discouraged whispers from those who were denied the chance of working with their friends.

“Kazaki, Cambridge, Taez, Ferrer, Stanton and Raille; second.”

Ace and Remi shared a high five while a couple of groans erupted from the rest of the class who felt cheated by the kind of groupings they were up against.

“And finally; Rauzette, Zeethedia, Deveraux, Hauzwell, Auzraine and Lumierre.”

Most members of the final announced group remained quiet while Killian was wondering about a way for the six of them to work together without any serious arguments. He wasn't an idiot not to notice the some sort of bad blood going on between Jiro and Axelia.

When not a single one of them raised their hand in protest, Professor Mendell finally grumbled, “If there are no more questions, then class dismissed.”

“—lia! Axelia!”

Blinking twice, she snapped out of her thoughts on how she found herself to be in her current situation. “I'm sorry, what were you saying?”

“What's the plan?” Jiro asked, still following her tracks to the third floor.

“We only have to make a report right?” Nyclaine asked, her voice full of uncertainty.

“Yeah,” Raze replied. “But how the hell are we supposed to come up with something that won't have a similarity with the rest of their works? All of us have the same history, for heaven's sake!”

“We'll figure something out,” Killian said, noticing the way they were passing a corridor of closed doors which appeared to be a series of bedrooms.

Axelia halted in front of a black wooden door and turned the handle without a word. Stepping inside, they found themselves inside a stunning room, decorated with the same patterned tiles emblazed by five black LED round flush mount lights of various sizes hanging from different heights from the ceiling. They were radiating an enchanting golden light that the entire room managed to reflect, making it extremely captivating.

In the middle of the room was a queen sized bed with a thick black blanket, filled with grey and white pillows. A  round grey bedside table with a lamp and an alarm clock was placed beside it while a grey ottoman bedroom bench was located at it's bottom edge. At the left corner of the room, there were a couple of dark grey sofas and a large silver grey faux sheepskin rug was covering the tiles between the couches towards the left side of the bed. A few steps away was a short hallway leading straight to a door which appeared to be the bathroom. In the same corridor, another door could be found in a right turn, leading inside the wardrobe. A shelf illuminated by countless light strips was positioned against the wall, on the space between the walk-in wardrobe and the headrest of the bed .

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