Chapter 22

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“Alright, settle down,” Professor Kyte commanded, causing the entire class to turn silent while staring at the person in front of them.

“I know most of you are aware of the event taking place at the end of this month,” he began. “And I think it's about time to inform you that the Empyrean University Intramurals is drawing nearer by each day.”

A series of remarks started to be heard inside the room after their professor's statement. Glancing around his murmuring students, Professor Kyte only decided to continue, “With that said, since all of you are free this entire afternoon, we decided to clear your remaining schedules for the rest of the day.”

When the noise started to get a little harder to bear, his voice became louder, resonating within the four corners of the room. “Now, I don't want to see you brats roaming around the campus like a bunch of idiots. Instead, use this morning to plan for the incoming competitions, then settle the rest with the other classes in third year. Understand?”

As the class nodded their heads in agreement, he picked up a small stack of papers before handing it over towards Kaizer. “Here are the list of events that students will be joining at the Intramurals. And as the class representative, I expect you to give me a report regarding the name of the contestants in class 3A who will be competing at a certain match by the end of the day.”

“Yes, sir,” Kaizer replied once he took the papers away from his professor.

After that, Professor Kyte started to walk towards his desk, reaching for his bag before informing them briefly, “I'll be attending another meeting about the finalization of the decisions concerning this same matter.” He was already standing at the doorway when he suddenly halted in his steps, before saying without looking back, “And don't forget; this isn't about winning against the rest of the other classes, you'll be competing as a year level with the rest of the University as your opponent.”

Then, he finally stepped outside the room.

“Alright, so let's get this over with.” Not wasting another second, Kaizer stood in front of the class to begin what he was originally tasked to do. Taking a glance at the papers between his hands, he announced, “The following are the list of events that we would be joining in the Intramurals...”

Whilst the rest of the class was paying close attention to the person who was currently in charge of them, Razael was only half listening to the words coming out of this mouth. Instead, his focus was completely diverted towards Axelia who silently stood up before walking to the direction of the doorway.

“Hold on,” he said as he quickly got ahold of her wrist, temporarily halting her in her steps. “Where do you think you're going?”

“To go get a drink,” Axelia replied nonchalantly.

“Seriously?” he whispered in disbelief before staring at her. “At a fucking time like this?”

A nod was the only response he received before she pulled her arm away from his grip gently. “I won't be long. There's a beverage vending machine just down the next corridor.”

Before he could even say something back, she was already stepping outside the room. Letting out a weary sigh, Raze just decided to leave her be instead of following her. And he was almost certain that every kind of attempt to talk her out of it would be nothing but futile. The moment she made up her mind, there's not a single person he could think of that would be able to turn her decision around.

Margaux— the class secretary— then stood up beside their class representative. She made sure that everyone inside was listening first before she opened her mouth to speak up, “At the first week of June, Kaizer and I decided to talk with the people in charge of class 3B; Riley and Anastasia, in regards of a few competitions that were expected to happen. We already have a list of the third year students who are willing to participate in some of them so we'll only need to focus on the ones that were tasked upon us.”

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