Chapter 16

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It was almost midnight when they managed to finish their report. At that time, almost every pillow in the room was scattered all over the place and at least five blankets were laid out for each one of them.

“Fucking finally,” Raze sighed in relief while stretching his arms.

“There,” Axelia said as she pushed the ‘enter’ key on her laptop. “I already sent it to Professor Mendell.”

“That's good,” Nyclaine spoke quietly.

After closing her laptop, Axelia stood up to put it away on her desk at the other side of the room. Upon her return, she didn't even managed to get the chance to sit down when she noticed Kimberly trembling despite the blanket enveloped around her figure.

“If you're really that cold, then you should have said something earlier.” Axelia frowned while staring down at her. “You can borrow any of my jackets if that's what you please.”

“Seriously?” Kimberly asked, completely dumbfounded by the offer. When the other just nodded as a response, she muttered, “I didn't know you had a nice side.”

“I don't,” Axelia denied. “I just don't want anything to happen to you. Especially when you're inside my house, under my care.”

As Kimberly was scurrying towards the short hallway with the bottom edge of her blanket trailing behind her; Razael, Killian, Nyclaine and Jiro all had a smile playing on their lips. Each one having an entirely different meaning yet all were connected to the previous exchange of words between a certain blue-eyed emotionless young lady and an overly energetic brunette.

“You're going the wrong way,” she called out to the other just as she was about to open a door. “That's the door to the bathroom.”

The next thing they knew, Axelia was already striding towards Kimberly's direction, the bells in her anklet jingling with everything step of the way. Before the latter could even form a question in her mind, the door to the walk-in closet was opened wordlessly.

“Have your pick,” she gestured to the area where most of her winter clothes were located.

“Thanks,” Kimberly beamed before taking her time to look around the various clothing racks filled with countless numbers of jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts.

“Holy shit!” Raze exclaimed, halting in the doorway as his gaze caught sight of the collection of her footwear. “You really have a fucking obsession with boots.”

Just from witnessing the entrance of the redhead, it was no longer a surprise for her to find Jiro and Nyclaine following suit.

“Shut up,” Axelia hissed while rolling her eyes. “I just find them comfortable.”

“Oh really?” Jiro asked sarcastically. “Most of your collections are high heeled.”

“Do you even have flat shoes?” Nyclaine asked giving her a final glance before lending Kimberly a helping hand.

“They're at that corner.” She pointed at the other side of the closet.

“I don't get why you're always wearing heels,” Raze mused, looking around with mild interest. “I mean you're already a lot taller for someone your age.”

“I told you. I find them comfortable.”

“Sure,” Kimberly uttered skeptically, her voice being slightly muffled by the pastel pink sweater that she was currently pulling over her head. “And you and Killian aren't wearing couple shirts.”

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