Ordinary day Ch.1

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y/n Pov:

First, I was minding my business 'till a split second my head ends up at a toilet, surrounded by laughing girls who are probably about ten or eleven.  Only one girl who's my age wasn't laughing just standing there near the sink pretending she hasn't seen anything then quickly left. I Didn't mind 'cause who wouldn't bother to be with a freak anyway, it would just cause more problems. So I waited for three minutes to make sure those big girls were really gone, cleaned myself.

In case your wondering what's that about, it's the usual thing I'm used to growing up in the orphanage. Yeah Yeah, I know it's not normal for an eight year old girl to live a life like this, but I can't stop it and neither will the staff of the orphanage even bother to notice what's going on. There's really no point to even try to stop it anyway, I honestly don't care. 

My parents are the thirteen people who were murdered by an armed psychopath named Sirius Black, which he then got cornered by the police. What makes it weird is that nobody knows which prison he was put in. I was with them actually when it happened, they brought me to the candy store for their day off of work. At that moment I then understood how Batman felt....

I didn't have anyone else who's related to me so here I am, at a gloomy depressing orphanage. Most at the time I get bullied for the ability of talking to animals, 'course they don't believe it but one of them caught me talking to a mouse that's my only friend, his name's Crumb, and 'course that's when the girls in the orphanage there decided to have a little game called " beat the animal freak". 

Never bothered me, because I make my own dolls who look like the girls and pretend their voodoo dolls. funny that they actually 'work' for some actually wake up with pain in there backs and little cuts on some of their legs and arms.

Anyway enough of my backstory, time for the present day. Usually I get the 'toilet swirly' after dinner, but today I got it before so I decided to get out and have a walk around in London with Crumb. Since you know to get my hunger back.

It isn't normal for an eight year old to be alone in the streets, but this is actually normal for me I mean the adults in the orphanage there don't even know I do this three times a week so yeah. 

I decided to go to Charing Cross Road this time, never been there and I'm in the mood for a little exploring. It was a perfect day especially with Crumb, reason why I bring him is just so I have someone to talk to and which he jokes and sometimes tell stories that are about his adventures of him almost getting killed he reminds me a lot about the movie Mouse. Also, I really like to hear his Italian-American accent.

 "Ok ok ok, I really didn't mean to steal an olive from that man ok. I WAS HUNGRY!" I just quietly laughed at this. I always tease him about being small, being tough when he actually is being a cute bean, and his troubles of getting food. I said in a joking tone, "Maybe you should have asked him nicely." Then, as usual "EXCUSE ME? OH VERY FUNNY YOU TRY BEING SMALL AND THEN WE'LL SEE HOW MY LIFE IS!!". 

I could tell everybody around us was staring at us 'cause of Crumbs' loud squeaks even though I can't hear them 'cause all I hear is; "EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, DOESN'T WANNA SEE A 'DIRTY, SMELLY, RAT' IN THERE SOME CALLED CLEAN HOUSES. THEY REALLY NEED TO LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF 'CLEAN' 'CAUSE REALLY!!!?!?!?!". 

I waited for about two minutes for him to cool down and everyone started to stop staring and continued walking. "You done?" I asked annoyed by the staring, "...Yeah-""GREAT!" I said and continued our journey. 

"I really can't understand why I have to be stuck with you, y/n," "Because there isn't anybody else who can't talk to animals like me and I share you some of my own food 'cause you asked nicely :)" I said with an 'obvious tone.

I felt him nodding in agreement of my statement and stood quite for awhile looking around with me. Suddenly I stood still when I found a strange inn called the Leaky Cauldron. Crumb asked what I was looking at then looked at my direction, "Why are you staring at a closed inn, it was probably out of business." he said. I was confused 'cause it said it's open. "We should check it out," I Blurted. "Oh sure, I really should follow Miss Smarty Pants" Crumb whined.

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