Even Akamaru is asleep!

I can't help it when I kneel down and give him a few soft pats on his head. I'll never admit it but not seeing Akamaru is probably one of the more terrible things about officially abandoning my village....

With my hand gently patting Akamaru's head, I keep an eagle like eye out for Sakura or any traces of blood from a potential kidnapping, only to deadpan when I feel her very awake and alert chakra moving away from me as quickly as possible.

Was this Sakura's doing? Where could she possibly be going where she'd abandon the guys like this?! Then, like a shining light came from above and smacked me in the face, I realized something.

She's heading in the same direction I initially was....

She's looking for Sasuke!

It's dumb of me, really to feel the blinding jealousy and annoyance that comes with the thought of Sakura pursuing Sasuke. He is the literal father of my child and my very official lover, but who knows?

Sakura has always been so in love with him despite everything he's done, I can't help but feel slightly threatened, no matter how irrational the thought is. There have always been occasions where he would choose her over me.

I'll never forget it, in the chunin exams he seemed so angry over Sakura being hurt, yet he never spared me another glance when I was on the floor bleeding out, he didn't care about me like he cared about her....

He never defended me against her when she would speak to me in a certain way, never seemed to look out after me like he did with her either. Of course, we were mere children, but her devotion to him and the way he's never really chosen me over her suddenly leaps me in a whirlwind of doubt when it comes to our relationship....

After all, I was the one who forced us into becoming friends again, if it weren't for my efforts would anything between us have changed? Would we still be cold towards one another?

What about all of the missions they went on together? The ones where instead of participating, I was locked behind gates and forced to study hokage rule books... The ones where they would all come back closer than before, and I would be left on the sidelines feeling awfully left out.

Of course they must've had an extra bond! Am I an idiot?! She loves him so much, it can't be for nothing...They had something, they had to!

If it were Sakura who trained outside of the village instead of me, would they have started a relationship like ours?

Was I. . . . . was I just easy to him?

The irrational green eyed monster of envy in my mind started replaying all of the incidents where Sakura and Sasuke showed their mutual care for one another no matter how minimal the interactions were, and I almost find myself stopping entirely as a pit of dread forms in my stomach.

Easy. . . I must have looked easy to him?!

Fueled by the jealousy, the need to see Sasuke, and the curiosity of Sakura's whereabouts, I followed her like a lion would follow a gazelle. I feel her pace quicken when my impressively fast one accelerates in her direction, keeping a taunting distance between the two of us.

My red eyes narrow with a newfound hatred I didn't even know I was capable of having, the sudden flurry of self doubt in my own relationship which I've never felt before and the looming presence of danger from the world's drama all weighing on my shoulders like stacks of bricks.

Oh Sasuke, you better play your cards right when we meet.

If you don't, I might just hurt somebody


OOP?! HIATUS IS OVER HOMIES FSNKJSK Tell me all of your opinions on this chap!! All of them I wanna know how u feel!! I'm so so happy to be back and writing! This chap isn't the longest, but it's honestly more of a transition chap for the absolute craziness to come!

(The second hokage/Haru/Sasuke meet up is happening soon y'all I'm so excited lmao)

I honestly wanted to add some drama, so drama we will have teehee!

I totally envision Haru thinking the last lines with a rlly evil smirk on her face lmaoao.

Anyway back to my questions! So, lots to unpack here, how'd you feel about Haru's newfound jealousy towards Sakura?

Do you think her jealousy has been brewing for a hot moment? Like something we should've seen coming?

Do you think she's valid in her feelings? Or do you think she's over exaggerating and going crazy lmao (Not to make y'all nervous, but Sakura and Sasuke do end up together in canon teehee)

How do you think she's gonna react when she meets up with Sasuke and the rest of her old team? (Y'all know the events that are coming lmaoo)

Do you think she's gonna tell Sasuke about their lil baby when she sees him?

Tbh, I only find it natural that Haru has some of these emotions in her, after all, she is a teenager! (Literally 17/18 age group but you know, a teen after all!)

So many questions, pls lmk how you feel! Hearing your voices is such a motivator and I'm very happy to br back writing for you guys.

I'll see all of you next chap!

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