Chapter 20

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After Sid left, I went to Sanya just to see where she was, whether comfortable or not. My house was in such a mess, everything so shattered. This place really needs some sort of cleanliness. When I reach the room, I find Daniel sitting by the window.

"Hey", I say to make him realize that I am in the room.

"Hey, did your brother leave?", he asks curiously.

"Yaa, He had just come to pick the kids up.", I say much lower pitch than I usually speak. I was too tired.

"Ohh, but he seemed really angry. Are you ok?", he asked.

"I am, he is not the way he seemed today. So many days he was away from his children and when he came back they were not there, you know just the parent concern.", I try to convince him.

"Oh well, I hope it's just that."

"By the way, where is Sanya?", the reason that I came here.

"She has just gone to freshen up. Half an hour back. I think she is getting super fresh.", he laughs.

"Oh, OK. Just tell her to come down once she is out and do make yourself feel at home. Although a bit untidy one currently", I say looking around.

"Oh come on. We will all clean it later on. Don't you worry. Go and take some rest."

"I have already called for a cleaner. We don't have to do anything.", I tell him. "But yaa just remind Sanya to meet me as soon as she is out."


As I head towards the living room, I bumped into Rehan searching for something.

"What are you looking for?", I ask him.

"Your brother's brains.", He says still digging in the treasure of bags.

"Rehan, He was .."

"I don't care. Actually I should be searching for your brains.", He really seemed pissed off with the way Sid spoke to me. I didn't want to explain things to him so I started walking out.

"Where is the black bag? I think it is still in the car.", He said walking behind me.

"May be. But what do you want? Cigarette?"

"No. Pain killers. My head is aching."

"Wait. Just go rest. I'll get you one."

I head towards the kitchen and then back to the living room. He is sitting with his eyes closed on the sofa.

"Here Mr. Your green tea. Will cure your headache faster than your painkiller.", I smiled at him.

"How do you know, how desperately I was wishing for this? Those painkillers are useless I tell you.", He said sipping his tea.

"And you were still searching for them?"

"I was too lazy to go and prepare this and also Rosy is not here. Didn't want to unnecessary bother you."

"Bother me. Are you serious? Its OK and even if you don't tell me I come to know. Friends na.", I sit beside him.

"How do just know to keep everyone happy and going. Like how? You know you are too good.", he said

"Thank you.", I say with a smile. Both of us looking down.

That moment my phone started ringing. It was Sid. I just got up to receive his call and came back.

"But you know it's not good always to make others happy and making their life comfortable not taking proper care of yourself. Sometimes its OK just to leave people as they are. When they don't realise your importance.", he said still staring at the ground.

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