Chapter 47

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"Here in today's time parents restrict us from going out and your grandfather forces us to sneak out. It's so cool. He is the best.",Aisha says as all of them are outside the farmhouse gate sneaking out to enjoy the nightlife of Goa.

"I so agree. He is super cool.", Ananya agrees. " So where are we going?"

"We don't know. We'll just stop somewhere randomly and get to the coolest place we find there. Cool?", Armaan suggests.

" Ok done.",Ananya finds it real fun.

"What if we get into a seriously wrong place. We have Aisha and Ananya with us.",A concerned Rehan asks.

"Well actually agreed.Considering the places we landed up with our boy gang.",Armaan thinks.

"Doesn't matter. Why should boys have all the fun. And Rehan you have mastered in handling stuff like that. I know about the strip club case.",Aisha winks at him.

He just turns to Ananya to confirm that all his made image is spoilt but to his suprize she is giggling over what Aisha said.

"That was the best night Rehan has ever had.", Both Armaan and Aisha continue to embarass him.

"It's alright let's go now. " Ananya pats Rehan's back.

They head to a local place where people are high in their full capacity, loud music, UV lights and people dancing in not so decent way.

" Let's go somewhere else. To a nice restaurant, eat good food. ",Rehan really doesn't want to go inside.

"He is so scared that we would catch him do stuff that he does when he comes to such places with his boy gang.",Ananya says.

"Its not that. I mean you have no idea what is it like when you enter in. ",He tries to stop them.

"You mean you don't know how is it to enter such a place with known people. ",Ananya places her elbow on Rehan's shoulder."He has always been here alone.",She says.

"Common yaa. Why should boys have all the fun. We promise not to let any girl take you upstairs. Promise. ",Both Ananya and Aisha slip their hand through Rehan's hand.

They finally find a place to sit. But it didn't take the three of them except Ananya to get a full hang of the place. Although all three went in different directions, they were really enjoying themselves. It was creepy to watch but Ananya stayed.

"I know you are bored. ",Rehan says as he joins Ananya back on the table.

"No I'm not. It's cool.",She says looking around.

"Really.",He raises his eyebrow."So I mean really you like this dance form. Have you tried it?",Both of them look at the crowd.

"NO. Its cool to see professionals like you.",Ananya says.

"Haha. Those lucky girls there.",He says.


"So why did you stop me from telling grandpa about the inspiration to take care of him.", Rehan asked a few moments later.

"He was just telling me about how people are there but not there. As in physically present but no connect. You know how much ever he might crib on you forcing him on taking those medicines and stuff he still likes the fact that you are there. And on that if you say its not what you thought and is because of a third person. It was just not the right moment.",she says.

"And this is not the right place for you and me to be.",He catches her by her elbow and moves.

"Rehan where are we going. Atleast wait for Aisha and Armaan."

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