Chapter 19

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Ananya's POV.

It was quite late when we reached home the earlier night. It took us even more time to go to bed because everyone wanted to make sure everything was packed in the night so there is no hustle in the morning. But even after all said and done, last minute packing are everyone's favourite or should I say mandatory. Somethings needed in the morning cannot be packed in the night etc.

Anyways this morning was pleasant but cold, not as cold as New York would be. Sanya's parents left early in the morning. Just like a good son-in-law to be Daniel arrived right in the morning to say goodbye and moreover because all of us were busy, so he offered to drop them at the airport.

Sarah joined some relative out there in town so she left early too. The moment when friends actually get back to their life after a fun filled vacation is a sad moment. But life has to go on. I'm glad Sanya is joining us to New York because she has to get some of her wedding collection picked up.

After bidding goodbye to a number of people, it was our time to leave. Rehan was already out in the parking checking for fuel and stuff. Everything was ready on my side, I sent the bags down with Rosy. Kids followed. I then went to Sanya's room to check whether she is ready or not and she had like 3 bags full of god knows what.

"You are coming just for 4 days. What's the need for 3 big bags?", I asked her in confusion. "Moreover the stuff that you buy from there will pile up this to its double quantity."

"It's all what I need. Nothing extra.", she explains.

"Yaa right. Anyways let's get moving otherwise Rehan will get angry. We are already late.", the moment I was telling Sanya this, I get a call from Rehan,

"Where are you? We are already late. How much time more?"

"We will just be there in a minute. Sanya is just packing her bag."

"Tell her there is not too much space for her treasures.", He said hanging up.

When we reached down stairs, I see Daniel also get into the car.

"You never told me, even he is supposed to join us?", I told Sanya.

"What the hell?", Rehan exclaims as he sees 3 big bags. "Where the hell am I supposed to incorporate so many people and bags. Ananya. The car is already packed."

"Yeahhhhh", I too agreed with him but there no one who can stop Sanya from doing what she wants to.

"Adjust na somewhere. Try at least.", Sanya tells Rehan. While he shuts the car door with a bang.

"Oh, We could just remove the baby sitters behind tie them up with the luggage and get in, I guess that would be good.", I suggested.

"And how are the kids going to sit. They'll be so uncomfortable.", Rehan had started caring for them as well.

"If we need to accommodate everyone, we have to carry them on our laps."

"OK. As you say, but yaa Sanya why 3 bags. You are coming for 4 days. Don't you think one bag is missing.", he tries to tease her.

"Shut up.", she says hitting him on his head while all of us laugh.

We finally head home. The journey starts with Daniel driving, then Rehan, then me and then again Rehan.

As we reached my apartment, the window of my house was open. I was a bit suspicious about it. But then thought it would be Daisy. May be she requires something. She always has a spare key to my apartment. But I need to urgently go and check.

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