Chapter 27

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Rehan's POV

As I wake up the next day, I find the house empty. Ananya? I'm hungry. She must have left for work. I got ready and was about to leave when my phone beeps.

"Good morning. No sugar coffee and protein filled breakfast on the table. Left to go to the court with Sid for his case. Couldn't wait till you wake up.
Have a nice day on set.


No matter how good or bad her day is she definitely knows how to make someone smile just by these small act of kindness. How could she be so nice? Like is she really like this or is it a dream? Do people like that even exist. What shit am I talking? I have being staying here for over a month now and I'm questioning her. I'm mad.

As start having coffee and breakfast, I find the tickets that Ananya had booked next to the plate. Is she sending me back to get rid of me? Oh shut up Rehan! She is trying to sort things in your life and you are acting like a jerk. She is that girl grandpa always used to tell me about. The nice person he used to tell me to be. I think grandpa should meet her. He'll be really happy.

Amidst this thought I get a call from my father. Dude you are dead. I'm not picking this up. My father is the only person on this earth that I'm scared of. He is the Hitler of my life. Not that he is bad or cruel. He is just tough. He is too disciplined, always has his anger on his nose, Bit of arrogant but I think that is his way of carrying himself. But not too good for me. I'm still scared of him. So finally I decide not to pick up his call.

"New year is nearing. I hope you know what we expect from you. Especially grandpa. Be wise and take a step.

Take care.


I can shiver merely on the arrival of his message. I'm sure he is talking about the Christmas celebration. Let me give them a surprise. So I won't tell anyone.

On my way back home I get a call from Ananya that she is at the lawyer's place with Sid and kids are at David's house. Let me go and pick her up.

As I reach the lawyer's building I find both of them discussing something. I go greet them. We have a small talk. Sid still has to wait for certain formalities but the case is more or less in their favor. I'm happy. Sid is a deserving father. loving and soft. unlike mine. Mine is loving but tough.

Both Ananya and me drive back home. She is happy since the last evening. The three kids are her life. I'm glad I took her there. That wide smile on her face is really beautiful. She is not in her formal attire today but casuals. Doesn't matter. All that matters is her happiness.

God knows why is she continuously talking today? She hasn't stopped from the time we left the lawyer's office. She is happy. Just as we are about to reach the apartment, we hear a voice.

"Ananya.", the voice said. Both of turn to see who he is. Suddenly Ananya's expression has gone from happy to shocked, angry or whatever I can't guess.

"Kabir.", she speaks after a long pause.

"Was just passing by. Thought to catching up with you.", he said looking straight into her eyes.

"Catching up with me? There wouldn't be a situation to catch up if..", Ananya said trying to avoid the eye contact. "Anyways I'm getting late. Let's go Rehan."

"Rehan, Rehan Kundra.", he seemed to recognize me. "Ananya he is your Rehan Kundra, like the one you liked."

"Yeah bro. Hi.", I extend my hand for a handshake.

"Let's go Rehan.", she held my hand and pulls me to go upstairs. "Have fun on your family vacation in New York. Hope you have a great time.", she said with a fake smile.

He stood there stunned.

"I'm not here for a vacation.", he said trying to step foward.

"I don't care for what.", she runs upstairs. I could think of a reaction so I just smiled at the guy, Kabir I guess and followed Ananya.

She walked straight into her room and slams the door hard. I walk up to the door to check only to realise that it is locked.

"Please don't disturb me for a while.", she screamed from inside.

Who was that guy, who made her so angry and sad? Is he the guy from office because of him she was a bit sad the past days? The client? No why will she react like that? Who was he? My phone beeps in a while.

"Where is Ananya and why is she not picking up my call.", Sid asks.

"Umm actually she may have gone to freshen up or maybe she has fallen asleep.", indecisive I reply.

"Maybe? Just go and check."

"Actually her door is locked.", I finally said.

"Oh OK. Tell her to pick up the kids from David's house."

"OK, I will. Bye."

Her door is locked. So I go and get them by myself. They ask a number of questions about Ananya but then they fall asleep watching T.V. If she cares about them even they care a lot about her. I sleep in their room itself. (Sudden entry of someone can leave you shaken. Who is Kabir and why is his presence affecting Ananya so much?

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