Chapter 61

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After having a long conversation with Rehan on marriage, Ananya tried to convince herself with the fact that what he said was right. But she was constantly reminded on various moments that it is time to take a step foward. She herself was irritated by this thought not leaving her mind. There was a time when her parents wanted a wedding for her urgently but she ran away but today when she had a partner and is willing to talk about it nobody is interested. One such event was the upcoming New Year's Eve which holds an esteem positon in the Kundra family. And when Ananya asked Rehan about his plans he said that he would attend it alone like any other year and maybe they can attend it together next year. She tried to remove that thought from her mind and went to sleep.

"Why is she late again and where is the damn file?", she said to her assistant on one of her employee not being in office after an hour passed of working time the next day.

The employee came minutes later.

"You are late again! What the hell does responsibility and punctuality mean to you?", she said going through the papers without even looking up to her .

"Ma'am actually my husband....", she started to answer in the frightened tone.

" Husband problems!",Ananya said but as soon as she looked up to her she said," Shit I'm so sorry. Why are you so bruised? What happen? You really don't look ok?", she stood up and walked to her.

"Oh! Nothing ma'am. They are nothing big. Just small cuts.", she sounded frightened and naïve.

"Sit.", she tried to make her feel comfortable and asked her assistant to get some ointment and apply it on her wound below the eyes and on the forehead. " If something happened on the way to office or while going home, tell me. We can report it. Don't be scared. ", she ran her hand through the woman's back.

"No. Nothing.", she was adamant on that answer.

"Ok .You go home. Take a break for a few days and I'm so sorry for yelling. You know this was an important file and I freaked out. But now I think you should go home. My driver will leave you.", Ananya apologised for her high pitch.

"Home! No! It's absolutely alright. I'm fine. ", she shook at the name of home.

"But you are..", before she could finish her sentence her assistant glanced to her asking her not to force the woman. "Ok . Fine. But have you been to the doctor?", Ananya asked but she just nodded a no.

"Fine. So today evening I have an appointment with my doctor for my check-up . Accompany me.", She nodded a no again. "It's an order.", Ananya told her and she left.

The assistant then informed her about the domestic violence that the employee was facing. The fact was that it was just six months of her marriage and all this had started 3 weeks ago.

"I think they rushed their beautiful relationship into marriage..", the assistant told her and left leaving another seed in her pot of thoughts regarding marriage.

Later in the evening she visited the doctor as Rehan had urged her to because last month it was third time that she had an asthma attack due to over work. Post that he has made it a point that she is regularly visiting the doctor even if he can't accompany her. She even attended the doctor with her employee and also he confirmed of domestic violence stating it a common phenomenon. Is it really common?

As she was walking back to parking she was called by Rehan's grandfather. He had visited the hospital for his regular check-up. They headed towards his home where a lot of preparations were going on for the New Year's Dinner. She suddenly heard someone playing the guitar. And found Armaan rehearsing a few tunes. He was really melodious but was nervous. He played a few songs for her.

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