Chapter 23

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It was snowing heavily since morning. While I was back in my cabin after the lunch break, I was called by my boss.

I walked into his cabin and realized that even David was there. I guess this is about the meeting I left in between to get Rehan's work done. Screwed.

"Good afternoon sir.", I said greeting him.

"Utterly irresponsible and unprofessional.", he said very angrily.

"Excuse me Sir.", I said.

"What do you mean excuse me. You are not the ananya we had on board 8 months back. You knew that these clients were so important. Even then you chose your personal commitments above them. What is wrong with you? You know how much loss can this lead to.", he continued.

"Sorry sir, this wouldn't happen again.", I said facing the ground.

"They have as yet given no reply and if we don't get this project I fear you will have to go back to Mumbai."

What Mumbai? No not at all. This is not supposed to be happening to me. How could I go back to Mumbai? No! I will focus on my work.

But I'm not going back.

This is what I wanted from like forever. I can't afford to loose all of this.

"Even you Mr. David. You too have to be careful. Otherwise you can join her.", he told David.

"No sir. It was not his mistake. I had only told him to be with the clients till I be back. He was just.."

"I don't care just and what. It all depends on what their reply is. You will have to follow up and hope for your best. Have a business call with them in the night and remember your future depends on it.", he cuts my words.

"Yes sir."

"You'll may leave."

"Thank you sir.", David and I say together.

I was very disturbed by this all my day. All I could think is what if some problem props up and if they transfer me back to Mumbai. I don't want to go back. I have been really distracted for a few days. I need to get back. I was so disturbed that David had to drive me back home but we didn't speak a word all the way. He knew that this is very important for me. He is the one person who knows what it actually means to me. For anyone else it would just be change in place of work but for me it is change of my life and I honestly don't want this change.

David actually came till the door of my house to leave me.

"Hey, it's ok. It's no big deal. Everything will be fine.", he said.

"But what if they..."

"They are no one to decide about you. You have reached where you are with your handwork and dedication and just because of your one mistake they can't just take all this away from you. And it was not a mistake in the first place. Even Rehan is your client and you had gone for work not somewhere else."

"Hmm, I'm not in a state of seeing what is right what is wrong all I know is.."

"Is nothing is going to happen. It's a nice thing that we are home early today. Go and do what you love to..sleep."

"How I wish. But have to go out with Rehan. Some party and he wants me to be there. You know like for company. So have to go there."

"Even then you have time. Because parties of these celebrities start late. You can have a nap."

"Yes. Thank you."

"Bye. Take care.", he gives me a tight hug which I really needed at this moment.

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