Chapter 65

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The hustle in the farmhouse was at its peak. Everyone was working so hard to make the D-day even more beautiful for Rehan and Ananya. The decorations, lights, food, sweets, music and flowers everything was at its best. The entire farmhouse was decorated with fresh flowers and lights from the outside. Different ambience for each occasions of the wedding was planned. It all seemed like a dream to Ananya. She smiled all through her way from the entrance where she received a grand welcome to the room finally letting the wedding atmosphere inside her. The last time she was here was for Grandpa's birthday which also marks an important part in her relationship with Rehan. She can't forget how beautifully she celebrated her birthday after years with a beautiful morning walk on the beach. She revisited the terrace to reminisce about that beautiful first dinner date the two of them had.

And as she looked down she saw her most beautiful groom. Dressed in casual blue jeans, black T-shirt, sneakers and glares he got out of his car and was greeting people. Lots of people came to welcome him. He was accompanied by Armaan and Aisha. He smiled at everyone. Touched the feet and took blessing from the elders. He looked so happy and excited for the important day to come. She simply stood on the terrace and admired him all through this. She was so happy to see that wide smile on his face. It just brightened up her day. Something clicked in her mind suddenly and she called on Sarah and Sanya.

She was seated on the bed thinking hard when Sanya came singing some random song and Sarah followed while talking on the phone trying to co-ordinate with someone. Ananya waited, walking across the room until Sarah finished her call while Sanya was curious to know why Ananya called both of them so secretly.

"Will you stop taking rounds and for god's sake tell us what you are thinking?", Sanya said finally after Ananya increased her speed of taking rounds in and out of the balcony.

"Let Sarah finish her call.", she said biting her nails.

"Here, just a sec.", Sarah said hanging up the call. "Let me just tell Rehan it's done."

Both Ananya and Sanya looked at her in despair.

"He just told me to check on somethings. It's done. Anyways tell us why you called us here.", she said keeping her phone aside and sitting on the couch.

Ananya made Sanya sit on the couch as well and stood in front of them like a lecturer.

"Ok. So you guys know that it's my.... you know wedding in two days...... ummm and all of us are really about it and...."

"We know all this! Get to the point.", Sarah said while Sanya was still trying to figure out what Ananya was trying to say.

"Yaa I know you guys know ", she said turning her back towards them and cringing her nose "and of course all the traditional rituals and stuff will be there but I mean.... and Rehan he is trying to manage everything well and is working really hard to make it special and he has always done it..."

"Yaa yaa yaa", Sarah and Sanya nodded their still trying to make sense of Ananya words.

"Stop nodding your heads.", she said as she turned.

"Ok I want to do something different and special for him before like..", she said scratching her head.

"Something special..hmmm", they teased her.

"Yeah! He always does these sweet things but I want to surprise him this time and I want you'll to help me."

"Of course what do you want to do?", Sarah asked her.

"I don't know?", she said making a puppy face.

"You were thinking something for the past hour?"

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