Chapter 37: Bag and Drag

Start from the beginning

"Granted." Carter answered.

Kat pulled up her wrist computer and send the missile system. A sonic boom can be heard from the sky causing many of them to look up. Above a fireball came down and exploded in the air. When it disappears the T.H.O.R. missile system activated as Kat used it's kinetic rod and destroyed most of the ground troops while using the missiles to destroy the vehicles.

"Over there. The entrance to the catacombs!" Saber pointed.

The three teams formed a circle as Saber opened the sewers. The French Commander jumped first followed by Chief and Carter. Once clear Carter called in. "Clear."

It took some time as the other members followed them. "Checking for toxic. Hold up." Kat said.

The wrist computer on her wrist stopped. "I got negative contamination on this area. Saber you're team is clear to remove your masks."

"We need to minimize our signature. Use one light source only." Noble Six said as Saber nodded and turned on his helmet flashlight.

"Understood. Follow me stay close."

"Cortana, this is 117 we're now in the catacombs and are proceeding to Volk's last known location."

"Copy were tracking you."

The group entered another part of the catacombs where they cross a small bridge to make it to the other side.

"So what happened to the rest of the GIGN?" Emile asked.

"A chemical strike hit our barracks at Satory last night. Most of men died within minutes." Saber replied. "This is why Volk must pay for what he has done."

"He will. I'll see to that." Emile replied.

The group stopped as Fred ripped the metal door open. "Bievenue." Saber said.

The team moves deeper into the catacombs and as they were moving a soldier jumps on Saber with the knife, but the experience Commando disarmed the knife and used it to slash at his throat.

"Move." Carter said.

"Flashbang!" An enemy threw a flashbang which blinds them.

"We got a runner!" Linda said.

"It's Volk." Jun said.

"Cortana, we have positive ID on the HVI. We're in pursuit." Carter replied.

"Copy. Remember we need Volk captured alive. He holds the only intel regarding Makarov."

As they advance a Russian soldier pulls out a grenade launcher and shoots at Jorge. The 40mm round launched hits him at the chest and launched him several meters away.

"Argh." Jorge groaned in pain as he stood up.

"You alright big guy." Jun said as he and Nathan helped the giant Spartan to his feet.

"I'm fine. Let's get the bastard." He said grabbing his machine gun.

They followed the others up above and spotted Volk entering a blue sedan. "He's getting away." Saber said.

"Chief." Carter said getting John's attention. "You guy's go. Will hold our position and get them out of here."

Chief nodded and turned to his teammates. "Blue team fallout."

Blue Team got off their cover as the GIGN and Spartan-III provide cover fire. Using their enhance speed they were able to catch up to the Blue Sedan with little to no difficulty. Sprinting at near 40mph on a tight street. Kelly was in front using her shotgun to shoot at the sedan tires.

"Left side. Left side." John said as a AFV came from their left.

Fred sprinted faster and activated his gravity slam. Once near the AFV he punched it which caused the vehicle to explode and crashed to a nearby building.

"Chopper!" Linda said as a Mi-24 Hind came into view.

"Inside that building now."

The Spartan-II sprinted faster as they entered the building while avoiding the 30mm auto cannon of the Hind above them. Linda used her sniper rifle and shoot down the engine of the helicopter causing it crash down. Outside again they caught up with Volk's blue sedan.

"Shoot the tires." John said.

Linda was the one who got the shot as the sedan swirled uncontrollably. John then shoulder push the car launching it to fence and crashed. "Rabbit vehicle is down." John went to the passenger seat and grabbed Volk out. "Come here, asshole." He said as he rip open the door and the seat and pulls him out. "This is 117. Jackpot. Volk's secure."

"Copy, extraction point is on their to pick you up."

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