Chapter 55: Spies vs Mercs

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Location: Alnus Hill, Falmart
Time: 1300 Hours
Date: 02/18/2559

"Defenders to the map."

The Defenders followed the instruction and started barricading the building. Once done it's time for the Attackers to launch their drones. The Attacking Team sends out their mini drones and scout the area gathering intel. Ash was the first to locate the bomb as the drone captures the footage of Aruni setting her lasers to prevent any entrance.

"Attackers, prepare for insertion."

The Attackers split into two groups. Hibana and Thatcher are on the roof rapelling down to the second floor while Ash, Blitz, and Sledge are on the ground breaching.

Ash looked at Sledge and nodded. "Execute." She said as Sledge breached the wall his hammer. Blitz is the first to enter with his shield in front. Up top both Hibana and Thatcher breached the second floor with weapons at the ready.

"Clear, let's move." Thatcher said taking point.

Down at the first floor a gunfight broken out with Team Ash and Team Mira. Ash's team is fighting Doc, Mira, and Aruni. Blitz crouched low preventing any shots from his shins as Ash and Sledge behind him provide cover fire.

Mira engaged on the right side as she deployed her Bulletproof Black Mirror.

"Contact!" Ash warned as she and Sledge took cover behind a car as Mira fired her Vector SMG at the trio.

"Thatcher, Hibana were pinned down. Little help here."

"Coming in to you. Left side." Hibana said. She peeked out and spotted the firefight below. She tossed a flashbang temporarily stunning Aruni and Doc below. This gave the others the time to open fire. Taking out Aruni and Doc.

"3 Defenders remaining."

Mira didn't back down and fired at the team below and has the high ground advantage. "Ash, Blitz go to the bomb site." Sledge ordered.

"Copy that." Ash replied as she and Blitz move forward. "Thatcher, Hibana split up and find the bomb on the 3rd floor. Watch your six Caveira is in the AO."

Sledge took cover as rounds bounced off the metal cover. "Well, I have enough of this shite." He said tossing a grenade and the room where Mira was located exploded in a white dust.

"2 Defenders remaining on the map."

Up on the 3rd Floor both Oryx and Caveira got ready as they are the only Defenders remaining on the map. Caveria took lead sneaking her way around to avoid detection. She first ambushed Hibana taking her out from room beside.

"4 Attackers remaining."

Below Ash and Blitz, Oryx was waiting for them to past the peep hole. Once gone he jumped up his height easily grabbing the ledge. In a surprise move he pulls out his pistol and took out Blitz and Ash in a single shot.

"2 Attackers remaining."

"Sledge, moving to the 3rd floor. What's your status?"

"Still below you. Watch out Caveria or Oryx can be anywhere." As Sledge said that the wall beside him got destroyed as Oryx tackled him down to the ground. "Son of a..." He cursed as the two giants were trying to dominate each other in a ground battle by putting the other to submission.

"Sledge, do you copy?"

"Ask me later." He replied punching Oryx before tackling him to another room destroying the door.

"Hang on." Thatcher said and to a surprise attack Caveria emerged from behind and kicked his leg. He bend down in one knee pointing his shotgun but was also kicked away by Caveria.

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