Chapter 54: Six Invitational

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Location: S.A.T.O. Infinity
Time: 1300 Hours
Date: 02/18/2559

    "Captains Report. February 18, 2559. For 2 months now after the framed assassination of General Shepherd things hasn't changed much. Except that the Americans eventually won the battle on the United States with most of they're forces pushing Makarov's followers back to the coast and drive them back to they're homeland. Russia.

    Here, however, things were quiet. Atriox and his group The Banished hasn't attacked us for months now. We're expecting him to launch a counter attack soon but it never happened. Atriox isn't your typical Brute, he's an expert in the art of war just like many of our Greatest Soldiers. I ordered my military forces to stay alert despite no attacks for 2 months now. Kingdoms, villages, and UN/JSDF F.O.B. around Falmart are being watched in silent by the ODSTs and several Sentinel Operators to ensure that The Banished will never harm them.

    A wise man used to say 'we may have won the battle, but the war is still going' this is what I'm feeling right now. Both Makarov and Atriox are silent gathering up plans for an attack that has yet to come. Both are prepping for something big, but despite all this we will not fail. We will stay strong and we will defeat them.

    This is Captain Lasky of the S.A.T.O. Infinity. Out."

Location: Alnus Hill, Falmart
Time: 1300 Hours
Date: 02/18/2559



A loud explosion occurs as a small fireteam of 141 Operators breached the building and sweep the floor.

This is a training simulation as Attackers consisting of: Capitao, Dokkeibai, Thermite, Ace, and Kali are tasked to locate and defuse the bomb somewhere in the 3 story building. "Kali, Ace take the second floor. Thermite, Doka with me." Capitao ordered as he is the team Cpt of the Fireteam.

Both Nighthaven Operators nodded and took the stairs to the second level. As the other three locate the bomb downstairs.

Kali help her hand signaling Ace to stop as she launched her drone and scout the area ahead.

Unknown to the two Pulse has been watching they're every move thanks to his cardiac sensor as his gadget scans multiple heartbeat from the other side of the wall.

"Enemy located." He whispered with a smirk as he puts his sensor away and fired multiple rounds through the wall.




Three shots came through the wall forcing the two to take cover. Kali did shifted her focus on her attacker as she used the drone and entered the corridor. She found Pulse inside the room all by himself as he's hiding behind a table with his shotgun.

Kali puts away the controller and nodded at Ace. Ace responded and tossed his SELMA charged to the wall.

As Pulse got out of cover preparing to ambush them his plan backfired. The SELMA charged that is attached to the wall exploded causing him to be pushed back several feet away and also temporarily loses his hearing due to the loud explosion.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed bit could hear the word around him.

Kali got out cover and fired a single round of SIM ammunition. The round hits Jack in the chest pushing back down.

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