Chapter 28: Embassy Siege

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Location: Earth's Atmosphere
Time: 1700 Hours
Date: 04/03/2013

At the hangar bay of the paladin were Alpha-9 Unit. Going to there drop pods, Buck placed his MA5 pulse rifle on the pod while the others prepped and got ready for a combat drop. The rest of his team got inside of the pods and closed.

"Alpha Team, do you read me?" Lasky asked to the pods communication channel.

"Loud and clear, Admiral." Buck replied and the others inside nodded.

"Good. Right now the embassy front gate has been breached by the terrorist and our moving inside to clear out the Ambassador. Buck, Romeo you two will be inserted on the rooftop to extract the Ambassador and take them to the MI6 safehouse just 300m east of your position. The rest of you, are gonna be landing close to the garage. Clear out any hostiles flanking the building before you reached that safehouse. Clear?"

"Clear!" They shouted in unison.

"Last thing. Once you've landed on the site, I want all of you to activate the pods disintegration protocol. We cannot have any foreign countries get a hold of this equipment intact." Lasky added.

"Got it."

"Good luck out there Alpha-9. Paladin out."

The drop pods of the O.D.S.Ts suddenly shifted as the side doors open revealing Earth and below them is the United Kingdom. "Here we go." Buck muttered with a hint of excitement.

"Alpha team, this Roland commencing drop in 1 mike."

"Alpha 0-1, standing by." Buck replied as the doors of their drop pods now closed and it lowers and the ship's gravity was now gone.

"All pods are set to engage. Dropping at Grid 3 1 5 niner, I repeat 3 1 5 niner. Cross check and verified." Roland informed them as they held their breath and got ready.

"Here we go, Gentlemen." Buck said to the radio as they exhaled getting ready to he dropped.

"All pods ready. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, deploy, deploy, deploy!"






Like the sound of a grenade exploding , the five drop pods dropped from the paladin and entered the Earth setting course for London.

"30 seconds to the L.Z." Buck said.

Gravity finally got in as they feel a bit of weight coming down. The dark clouds of London can be seen from above and as they enter, the entire city was burning with many buildings and architectural structures of London burned down to ground. "Team activate your thrusters." Buck instructed.

"3, 2, 1, deploy." They all pressed the button as the thrusters burned and slowed their descend as they landed on the Embassy with Buck and Romeo on the roof and Dutch, Mickey, and Rookie on the ground. They arrived without them alerting the people around them as gunfire and explosion silenced their landing.

"Everyone good?"

"We're good." Mickey reported.

"You know your jobs, let's get it done." Buck said as he and the others activated the disintegration system and their entire pods burned until it was nothing but ash.

Buck and Romeo stacked up at the door and nodded. Buck pulled back and breaked the door open and went downstairs. Another door was closed and he kicked it open surprising the workers inside.

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