Chapter twenty six

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2 months later.

Scarlet's point of veiw.

I had been pregnant for a month when I figured I was pregnant. I laid my head on Ashley's shoulder. We were at the doctor for my 3 month check up and to see the baby's gender. My mom sat on the chair to my left... she had to come.

"Mis. Biersack." A lady said. We stood up and walked over to her. We followed her down a hallway and into a room.

"Hello I am Mrs. White and I will be your main doctor. Ok I need you to lay back on this chair and pull up your shirt revealing your stomach. After that I will put some cold gel on it so I can see the baby." She said. I nodded. I then laid back and rolled my shirt up. My stomach was growing and you could tell I was pregnant, still small but it wasn't huge like it will be in a couple months.

It was cold but she put it on and moved the stick thing around.

"Would you like to know the gender?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled.

"Congratulations. It's a boy." She said smiling. I teared up and Ashley kissed my cheek. My mom smiled and clapped.

"Ok here are the pictures. I will see you when your at 5 months." She said. I nodded and wiped the gel off and pulled my shirt down and standing up.

"EEEEEEEK! Do you guys have a name?" My mom asked.

---Ashley's point of veiw

A boy... I am having a baby boy! I will be a father!

"EEEEEEEK! Do you guys have a name?" Juliet asked as we walked to the car.

"Brandon." I said not realizing I said it allowed.

"I love it... Brandon Jackson Purdy." Scarlet said.

"BJP... is that supposed to mean Blow Job Purdy?" I asked.

"I swear only you can thinkt that... and NO!" She said as we pulled out.

We went to her parents to tell her dad the news.

"Hey man." I said and we bro hugged.

"Hey sooooo what's the gender?" He asked as we sat on the couch.

"A boy... Brandon Jackson Purdy." I said smiling.

"BJP.... is that code or something?" He asked thinking.


"BABY! I FOUND A NEW SINGER FOR MY BAND!" Andy yelled at Juliet.

"I really hate you Andrew Dennis Biersack." She said looking at her father.

"Now sweetie I am joking, ooooooo if you have another kid can it be named after me?" He said. She sighed.

"Maybe because for some reason I love you guys." She said and kissed me.

---Scarlet's point of veiw

On the way home I called Dahvie.

"Hey what's up Scarlet." He said.

"I got engaged, I am pregnant with a baby boy and it's name is Brandon Jackson Purdy." I said.

"I know yout engaged I made Jayy tell me and Jeffree your pregnant. BUT A BABY BOY! EEEEEEK I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! OH MY GOD! I NEED TO SEE YOU!" He screamed. I laughed.

"Haha ok... I miss you." I said.

"I miss you too. Ooo so have you heard of my girlfriend, I proposed... you have to meet her." He said. I smiled.

"That would be awesome. Call me in a month or sooner when we can hang out and I can meet this girl." I said laughing. He laughed.

"Ok I got to go. Love you and don't forget Me and Jayy owe you a tattoo." He said. I smiled.

"Got it we can talk while I get a new tattoo. Love ya to bye." I said. He hung up and I was still smiling.

"Who was that?" Ashley asked.

"Dahvie... he owes me a tattoo, I will get thay after little Brandon is out of me and he wants me to meet his girlfriend he proposed to." I said. He smiled.

"Awesome... now we can't have fun but.... we don't have to go all the way." Ashley said. I smirked.

"Fiiiiiine.... I love you." I said. He laughed.

"I love you too, but more." He replied. We got home and he started kissing me and we went to the room.

---Ashley's point of veiw

Scarlet was asleep so I left a note and put on my boots and grabbed my jacket and put it on. I had band practice today and we are doing a few local shows this week, nothing to much.

I got my keys and phone and went outside and got in my car driving to Andy's.

"Hey man what's up?" I asked going inside.

"Same old stuff. How is my daughter?" He asked.

"Perfect like always... Sir." I said. He just shook his head.

"I love you babe be back tonight a day of recording." Juliet said kissing Andy and leaving the house.

"I AM HERE!" CC yelled coming behind me.

"How is mommy doing?" He asked. I laughed.

"She is doing good." I replied.

"What about blow job?" He said.

"DON'T! although he is doing good... his mom had some fun last night... so did I." I replied to CC.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! QUIT CALLING MY GRANDSON BLOW JOB PURDY!" Andy yelled going to the kitchen.

Me and CC laughed.

"I am here... show tonight and tomorrow right?" Jake asked.

"Correct." I replied grabbing a beer from Andy's fridge.

"Let's practice Goodbye Agony." Andy said. We nodded and started.

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