Chapter sixteen

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Abigail's point of veiw

"Ok I promise I won't tell anyone." He said.

I sat down and he did to.

"Ok." I sighed again.

"When I was fourteen my parents died. I lived with Texas. He took me to the place and they let me join. It was all cool and just little things. I would get high one night or wasted. When I was fifteen, my boyfriend at the time pissed off Dustin. The leader. Dustin killed him. I was held down and couldn't do anything to help. After that night I refused to go back. Dustin was mad but gave up after a year. Texas still trys to get me to go. That's why he took Scarlet. He got Scarlet to join I soon enough would to. That's why I have to leave. They will give up on her, she isn't needed. Once I would've gone back they would've killed her. Don't tell anyone. Ever. I am trusting you." I sighed. He looked at me. Then slowly nodded.

"So you were part of this "so called gang" the one guy killed your boyfriend and you haven't gone back since but they still want you and this all blowing up after dating Scarlet for about two months. Also you want to leave." I nodded a yes. He smiled. Why is he smiling.

"Why are you smiling. Wait. You like Scarlet? Is that why you are always giving me those looks?" I'm shocked this guy. Who is one hell of a man whore likes Scarlet. Wow.

"Don't tell anyone. Look Scarlet is going to be shit when you break up with her. I will give her time. Trust me. She went from Tristan to you. I'm not that stupid to rush her, besides I don't know if she likes me." He said.

"Ok. Look she will be home soon and you need to leave, but can you help me pack?" I asked. He nodded yes.

----one hour later

"That's it. Everything of mine are in these five suitcases. The rest I will take down to goodwill or something. Thanks alot." I said. He nodded and gave me hug. I held back tears when the front door opened. I heard laughing then Scarlet yelling my name. I took a deep breath this is the hardest thing ever but it's for the best. Me and Ashley walked downstairs.

"Hey Scarlet can we talk... outside... alone." I said. She nodded giving me a questioning look. Juliet instantly started a conversation about the dinner to keep Andy and Ashley distracted as we went outside.

"Scarlet this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life." I said. Tears started to burn in my eyes but I held them in.

"What do you mean? Abigail." She said confused.

"We can't be together anymore. I am sorry. I love you. But, I got you into something I don't want you in, and that's also because of Texas." I said. She looked angry for a second but it quickly turned to sadness.

"So your leaving me? But,.. I won't go back I will stay clear. Abigail I love you! Don't leave me!" She yelled the last part. I gulped and took a breath.

"I am sorry. But Texas wants me back. He and Dustin will do anything for me. That includes killing on of you guys. I don't want that. I am so sorry. This is breaking my heart, but I can't stay. In a couple months or a year, you won't remember me. Move on and live your life without me. I am sorry. I should've never tooken you to meet Texas." I said. This is so hard. A tear ran down her cheek. I wanted to hug her and say I am never leaving her but I can't. I have to go it's for the best.

"I love you." She said with another tear escaping.

"I love you to." I said. I kissed her one last time. Ashley came out with all of my bags and put them in my car. Scarlet just stood there and watched. Completely shocked and in complete sadness. I love you so much Scarlet. I got into my car and drove off. I guess I will check into a hotel for a bit.

I let all of my tears out. My mascara and eyeliner running with the tears.

---- Scarlet's point of veiw

She drove off. I let all out. All my tears I was trying not show come out. I was crying. I am crying more than I did with Tristan. I felt arms wrap around me. I turned and buried my face into Ashley's chess. I cried and cried.

Why? Why? Why? What now? Christmas is in a month. Thanksgiving in a week. Tour in a week. I cried more. I loved Abigail. I felt Ashley let go and stand up. Great. Then I felt Juliet. My mom. She sat down next to me and I looked at her for a second.

"I just talked to Abigail on the phone. You do know she really loves right? She justs doesn't want to put you in danger. I am so sorry honey. I love you alright. Tell you what. Tomorrow we will go shopping and you can get your hair re-dyed or cut. Maybe a new tattoo or whatever you want. It will help. Now. Come on inside it's going to rain." She said reassuring. I love my mom. She is different. She helps me feel better, instead of just making me feel the same. I slightly nodded but didn't want to move. She sighed and asked Ashley if he can carry me inside. He did. I was picked up but didn't care. I sighed. I wiped my hand across my eyes.

Mom left with Dad to go to bed. Ashley laid me on my bed. He was about to walk out the door but I stopped him.

"A-Ashley can you sleep in here tonight. Nothing wierd." I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sure." I barely smiled. He got into bed next to me. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him. I really, really, really miss Abigail. Maybe I can slowly move on. No where near as fast as Tristan though. I loved Abigail.

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