Chapter five

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Scarlet's point of veiw

I woke up with Tristan next to me. I really hope dad doesn't kill us or him. I looked down to see Charmander asleep in his lap. Aww so cute. I pulled my phone out and took a quick picture. I got out of my bunk and grabbed black ripped up skinny jeans, a Motionless in White t-shirt, and went to the bathroom to change. I did my hair, as in straightening it and then adding hair spray so it stays straight. I did my makeup and went to the bunks again. Tristan was just waking up I laughed because he was trying to get Charmander off his face. I grabbed the kitten and put him on the floor and he took off running to the back of the bus. Tristan got up and grabbed a outfit to wear. He went into the bathroom while I sat and down and was putting on at least ten bracelets on each arm. What I love bracelets. He came out around fifteen minutes later. He was wearing a Bring me the Horizon t-shirt, black skinny jeans, about six bracelets on each wrist. We put on our shoes and left a note for the guys, I have no clue where they are.
Hey dad and the others. We went to walk around and meet people. If you get here before us just text us I guess. Anyway bye. Scarlet and Tristan.

We grabbed out phones, and put our stage passes on out necks. Then walked outside.

"Well I'm Not A Vampire But I Feel Like One Sometimes I Sleep All Day Because I Hate The Sun!" I yelled. The sun is bright as fuck. Tristan laughed and took my hand in his. We started walking to where we believed the Youtubers tent was because I am sorry I want to meet this Brain Stars and I want some merch.

"OH MY GOD YOUR SCARLET! ANDY'S DAUGHTER!" A girl yelled. I was shocked people are already fans of me? Tristan was still holding my hand when she ran up to me. "Who are you? Oh my god you to are dating!" She yelled.

"Hey it's so nice to meet you." I said. She looked like she was going to die.

"Oh my name is Jennifer. Can I have a picture with you guys?" She said super excited. I nodded a yes. We took a couple of pictures and she left me and Tristan to look completely shocked.

"I swear thst has never happened before." I said. He nodded. We started walking again and finally got to the Youtubers tent. We skipped the line. Another advantage we have. I forgot to mention there was passes to skip lines and shit like that on the table.

"SCARLET!" Brain yelled. I let go of Tristan's hand to give him a quick hug.

"Are you going to be in the interview to later or no?" He asked. I looked at Tristan and then shrugged. "I honestly don't know." He laughed.

"I want some merch Brian!" I said really loud and he let us in under the tent. I gave him $40 dollars for two of his shirts. I aslo got pictures with Damon and Jonnie. I got a messy hair dont care shirt thing from Damon to.

Me and Tristan started walking back to the tour bus. What I am hungry and I don't want to eat the warped food right now. We were making pointless jokes when my phone started ringing.
Guess who it is! It's this crazy mother fucker who made this ringtone. CC I repeat CC your best friend. Answer! Don sun bom ton. And other random noises Tristan laughed. I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Hello may I help the crazy guy who made one woerd ringtone for yourself." I said.

"Hey we are at the bus well I am anyway. The others are at the Falling in Reverse bus hanging out. Anyway are you guys coming back?" He said.

"Yea we are coming back. Is Charmander ok?" I asked. There was a long pause. Then I heard a tiny meow.

"Yea I just woke him up though so he can say hello to you." He said laughing.

"Haha ok let him sleep we are right outside the bus." I said than hung up. Not even a minute later the bus door flew open and CC came out without his shirt and gave me a huge hug.

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