Chapter eight

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Ashley's point of veiw

I carried Scarlet to her bunk and she passed out an in instant. She is so lucky that Andy is asleep. He would kill her. Tristan was already throwing up in the bathroom. I guess it doesn't stay long in his system. Scarlet though sleeps for a full eight hours wakes up and runs to the bathroom. Yea I have gotten her drunk before and was yelled at by Andy. It was worth it though. That was the night she kissed me and before anything else happened Andy pulled her off of me and made her go to bed. I doubt she remembers she has never said anything about it.

I was now sitting on the couch. It's almost one. I saw Tristan leave the bathroom and sit next to me. He looked tired and angry and confused all at once. I heard a loud thud and then saw Scarlet run into the bathroom to throw up, tonight's different. I heard Andy and I sighed. I stood and walked to the back where he was about to go in.

"Hey Andy your awake." I said. He glared at me.

"What's wrong with Scarlet?" He asked.

"She is a little drunk more like hung over now. Don't get mad and kill anyone." I said. He opened his mouth to yell at me but then closed it. He walked to the front. I followed, Jake and CC had gone to bed. We leave at 8:30 in the morning.

"What the fuck happened?!" Andy yelled at Tristan. He looked up.

"We were playing truth or dare. Scarlet dared Dahvie to run grab a random fan and bring him on the bus. The guy asked Scarlet if she would do a dare where she had to drink. I tried to say no, but she did it anyway. We all ended up drinking. The guy ended up being gay and went to the bsck to fuck with Jayy. I don't remember anything else sir." Tristan replied. He remembered alot though. Andy sat down and put his head in his hands. I wanted to laugh, but he is tired and now pissed. I sighed. Scarlet came in to the living room area and sat down next to Tristan.

"Ok for the next four days you are not leaving this bus without me, Jake, or Jinxx. No you can not be with Ashley or CC because they got you drunk last time. Phone hand it over, it's mine for two days. I can't really say longer because we are on your bit I still have your laptop for two weeks. Tristan don't think your off the hook, I might not be able to ground you but I can put a rule up that you have to follow. No kissing, hugging, or sleeping with my daughter for three days." Andy said in all seriousness. Wow these two can't go an hour without doing one of the first two. They both looked st eachether and then at Andy.

"No kissing!" They both said at the same time. I wanted to laugh my ass off.

"One last kiss and then go to fucking bed I am tired." He got up went to the bunks got in his and closed the curtain. I looked at the two.

"Tell you what make out for awhile then go." I said and went to the bunks.

Tristan's point of veiw

I actually expected Andy to kill me. Andy and Ashley went to the bunks. Ashley said to make out then go to bed because we can't hug, kiss, or sleep with eachether for the next three days. Scarlet looked really tired. I got up and got a bottle of water and a bottle of aspirin I took a couple of pills and drank some water she did the same. She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her close and kissed her. She smiled against my lips. I smiled to. We ended up making out. She is so beautiful. We finally pulled apart and went o the bunks. She threw my pillow at me and we both fell asleep. God I hate not being with her. How am I going to tell her about Tyler?

Sorry for the short chapter. Anyway who is Tyler what's going to happen? How is she going to live without a phone and her laptop? I am actually really sick while typing the last chapter or two so if they are bad I am really sorry. Hope you enjoy it though.

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