Chapter seventeen

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Scarlet's point of veiw

I woke up tired with a headache from crying. I felt arms around me but they weren't Abigail's they were Ashley's. I sighed. Ashley is hot. Who knows. The future is fucked up. Mean me and Abigail are no longer. I wanted to cry at that thought.

"Ashley. Wake up." I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes and nodded.

"Yea?" He asked.

"It's almost 10:50 I believe. I don't want to leave this bed though." I said quietly. He sighed. He got out of bed and walked out of the room. I cried again. Mom came in and made me get out of bed. I took some asprin. "Ok I am picking out your outfit and you good friend has today off and is going to come over and do your makeup." She said handing me some white ripped up skinny jeans.

"Jeffree?" I asked.

"Yes Jeffree. The one and only." She said and then laughed. I smiled.

I put the jeans on and then a all black t-shirt. I put on my black combat boots with the spikes on the sides.

"Where is my number one bitch!" Jeffree yelled coming into the bedroom.

"Right here." I said. He gave me a sad look but instantly vhamged it.

"Come on girl. You need to cheer up a little. I know it sucks and you miss her but Christmas shopping! Besides I think you need a shopping spree." He said giving me a hug. I laughed.

"That's right bitch laugh and have fun." He snapped his fingers. Mom laughed and then left the room.

"Ok. Look I don't want to have alot of makeup on. Maybe like twenty minutes of me sitting here." I said. He smiled.

"Ok I will do makeup in twenty minutes and you will fucking love it."

--- 30 minutes later.

"I know you said twenty. But I only went ten over. So girl you ready to go?" Jeffree asked. I nodded and smiled. I am going to have to start being happy so I can be alone. "Alright bitch lets go." He said. We went down the stairs and I hugged my dad. Mom was in the bedroom so I just left with Jeffree.

"That's what I am going to get him!" I said happy.

"What is?" Jeffree asked coming to stand next to me.

"For dad, I am getting him that." It was a custom batman microphone, maybe he can use it for tour.

"I think that would be awesome darling." He said. I laughed.

I looked around some more. New drumsticks for CC, This hello kitty thing for Ashley, I am fucking horrible at this. Maybe I should get them each something, and give them a $50 giftcard or something. Yea that's a good idea, I think.

"Jeffree I am hungry." I said after getting everyone something and paying.

"Well let's get something to eat." He replied.

We left the mall. We were now sitting in pizza hut. Ashley, Jinxx, and CC came when Jeffree had to leave.

"So did you have fun?" Jinxx asked.

"Yea. I needed it, well to get out with someone I haven't hung out with in a while." I said. I took a bit of my slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Want a tattoo? I will pay. Your dad shouldn't care. Mean come on he can't get that mad. He knows you wanted one." Ashley said. I looked at him I thought.

"Yea. But I don't really know what or where. Maybe my shoulder." I said. CC smiled.

"Well finish eating and we can go to that tattoo place just a couple of blocks away." CC said. I nodded ok.

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