Chapter 9

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I went out to the garage that night because it wasn't the same without the boys with me. I miss singing with them and laughing because of their stupid jokes they make with each other. I cried when I was thinking about this stuff and the next thing I knew Reggie was standing in front of me. I wiped away my tears in shock to see Reggie just standing in front of me. I didn't know what to say to him I was just so in shock oh yeah I just said that. Reggie sat next to me and hugged me. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I could feel that you were sad and then I was just here"

"where is Luke and Alex?"

"All I remember was looking for Luke and than Alex was gone"

"Why didn't you come home?"

"I saw a cute puppy. Did you know animals can see us?"

"Umm no"

"Yeah so I was having fun and lose track of time but anyways where is Luke and Alex"

"I think Caleb took them and I think maybe Nick is processed. I also think it's Caleb that's doing it because every time he shows up one of you go missing or just never came home but you" 

"What I need to save them but how I'm just one ghost" 

"We will do it together"

"Okay let's do it" 

I figured out I can just led Nick on I mean Caleb and act like nothing happen or he is processed. I'll get him to spill everything somehow to get Luke and Alex back. Reggie thought this was a good idea. The next day at school I went up to Nick and played nice with him.  I was gonna ask him out again and told him I lied about mu feeling to get him to spill it all to me. 

"Hey Nick" I waved him over

"Oh Julie" he gave me the stank eye

"Hey wanna hang out after school?"

"Thought you didn't like me?"

"We are still friends. I like our friendship"

"We were never friends Julie"

"Hey Nick I found out I actually like you so wanna hang out later" I played nice 

"No thank you Julie"

"Fine I'll stop playing nice, Caleb I know you're obsession with the boys and you're missing one right so better come and get him" I winked at him as I walked away from him

Julie and Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora