Chapter 5

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I was stilling looking at my mom stuff. I needed my answers on how she saw them but how will I find that in all her stuff I've looked through so many times. I was just digging away at her stuff and just staring at her sunset curve shirt just wondering how and when did she get this. Did the boys give it to her. I heard a knock on my door and I freaked out thinking it was the guys but I forgot they can't knocked yet. I went to open my bedroom door to see Nick standing right outside of my door. I didn't know what to say at first because I don't know why he was here in the first place.

"Hey Nick" I was confused so why he was in my house 

"Julie hey"

"Have you thought about that date Julie. I wont give up till you say yes" I forgot he asked me out on a date awhile back

"Fine just one date and that's all you're getting Nick I told you I do kinda like someone else" Well I did like someone else his name was Luke but one date couldn't hurt anyone right that what I thought for sure.

"That's all I wanted Julie"

"Bye Nick" I waved at him when shutting my bedroom down when he was leaving

"Bye" He yelled back at me 

I turned around to see Luke standing behind me crying. I couldn't help know he heard that whole thing with Nick. I couldn't help much cry when I saw Luke evaporate off. I ran out to the garage to just see Alex and Reggie out there.

"Have you guys seen Luke?"

"No he went looking for you" Alex said with a smile on his face

"Well he heard something and he went off crying so do you know where I can or would find him at?"

"Maybe his parents place" I felt so stupid for what Luke had to see but I needed to know my feels are for sure for Luke and not can't have Nick type of thing

"I didn't think of that one. I'll go check that out thank you Alex"

"Oh you're welcome" Reggie yelled

"You didn't help!!" I yelled back at Reggie

I went to Luke's parents house to see he was sitting next to his mom crying. I knew I was the reason why he was crying because he heard me say yes to Nick for that stupid date I don't want to go on unless it was with Luke. I need to tell him this because I knew I wanted him. I saw Luke's mom look up and see me. She waves at me and came to open the door for me right as she did Luke and I made eye contact. It made it weird for me. I was freaking out because I didn't want her to see me but now I'm here so I'll go talk to her and say hi but that's all.

Julie and Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora