Chapter 20

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I push Willie through the door to go talk to the boys before I did because Willie needed to Alex how he felt. I knew it was good for him to go first before I got the boys back as my band hopefully they will come back with me.  I saw Flynn running down the hallway at me. I tried to stop her but she ran right into me. I went crashing to the ground and she was having a hard speaking because she was out of breath. I got back up and pulled up Flynn as well to see why she was freaking out.

"What is wrong Flynn?" I looked at her all worried 

"We have to hide, he's coming" Flynn was still freaking out 


"Yes he is coming now"

I grabbed Flynn but wasn't thinking so I ran into the boys room to get Willie so he can hide as well. When I open the door the boys were looking at me. I ran over to Willie freaking out just like Flynn was doing. 

"Willie he is coming, We all have to hide now!" I yelled at him

"Julie?" Alex,Reggie and Luke all said at the same time

"Hello guys um we can't do this right now. If Caleb finds us we are all dead" I told them all

"Julie you remember us?" They asked me at the same time

"Yes but now we gotta hide people!" I was so freaking out 

"Julie you remember us!" Luke yelled all happy 

"I just said yes Luke but Caleb?!" I kept freaking out 

I get it the boys wanted to know if I fully remember them but if Caleb saw us here saving them I don't know what will happen to all of us. We needed to hide before he saw Flynn, Willie and I. I missed the boys like they missed me but I don't wanna see what happens when Caleb finds us here. I heard the door opening and I looked at Flynn and Willie to hide now. We finally hide all over the room when I heard Caleb voice talking to the boys about us and asked them if we had visited them. They lied and said no but also said if we did they would let him know right away. I missed the boys even more when I saw them because I couldn't tell if they were happier here or back at home with me. I heard Caleb finally leave the room and I got up from where I was hiding behind the couch. Alex and Reggie both hugged tight when Luke didn't even want to touch me. I know I hurt him badly but I knew I had to tell him I liked him so much. 

"Hey everyone do you think I can talk to Luke just me and him please" I looked down but everyone said yes and left the room with Alex and Reggie as look out for Caleb


Will they finally get together and go back home?

Or will Caleb figure it out and make the boys stay somehow?

Julie and Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Where stories live. Discover now