Chapter 19

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We finally had a plan set on how we are gonna get the boys back. We needed to make sure someone can distracted Caleb incase we needed it to happen which was gonna be Flynn since he doesn't know who she was. I will be looking for the boys and Will have to talk to them when we find where they are hiding at in his club. When he talks to them about happen to him but let's hope he can see them like I do. We had this all plan so we set out to the club to get them back because I miss them so much. I miss singing with them. We headed down stairs and forgot my dad doesn't know who Willie is yet.

"Hey dad" I walked up to my dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey honey" He looked over at Willie

"Hey dad I forgot this is my new friend Willie" Willie put out his hand for my dad to shake

"Hey sir nice to meet you" They shared hands

"Well son nice to meet you too" My dad smiled a little

"Hey dad we are off to chill if that's okay?" I asked my dad nicely

"Yeah its fine just make sure to be home by 7 okay school tomorrow" I shake my head yes as I was walking over to the door

We starting walking to the club and I was getting more nervous about this whole thing. I was probably more scared because what of they are more happier there at the club and not being in a band with me anymore. We were finally there at the club we saw Caleb on stage so Flynn stayed behind to keep on eye that he stayed there or she will need to distracted him. Will and I set off looking for the boys. Willie stopped at this weird looking door and just looked at it.

"What?" Willie put his finger to his mouth to keep me quiet

Willie open the door slowly to see Alex in there and he shut it fast. He looked scared never seen that look on his face. He turn to me with his mouth dropped open. He hugged me and didn't let go for a little bit.

"What?" I said super quietly

"I saw him" He smiled

"You saw Alex?"

"Yes I can see them Julie" That was great to hear that but now he needs to go in there and talk to them so I pushed him through the door to go talk to them.


What will happen now?

Julie and Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Where stories live. Discover now