Chapter 16

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Willie pulled me aside to talk to me about happen with him. We just started to walk so he could open up to me about what was happening with him. I wanted to know how he got away from Caleb and how he was okay too. We found a spot to stop to sit to talk about everything that happen with us both.

"How's Alex?"

"He's good but I don't know how long they will be good for sadly it hurts to say but I have to act like I don't know them so they will go join Caleb at the club. I will miss them around but it's for the best for all of us" I was tearing up when I told Willie this.

"Julie you can't do that to them, why would you even do that to them? Don't they love you?"

"They do but Caleb told me if I didn't do this he would hurt my family and Will my family means more to me than the band. I love singing with them and making music but my brother and dad is all I have after I lost my mom a year ago" I started to cry 

"What he can't do that to you or them. Ugh I hate him for what he has made both of us do to them" He hugged me which is weird I could feel him like warmth.

"Wait how did you get away?"

"I just remember us leaving the room together and I woke up in a hospital bed which was weird to me like I wasn't dead at all just in a coma. All I had to do was wake up from that coma to get away from him"

"Wait what if the boys are in comas too?"

"They are really dead Julie I'm sorry. I thought the same thing but they are"

"No they can't be because I don't want to lose them to Caleb. I have to find away to save them and to be a band again" 

"Julie you will save them but you need to let them know that you remember them"

"What about my family?"

"We will take on Caleb together all five us now"

"Wait but they probably can't see you now since you're alive Willie"


What will happen with them all?

Does Julie tell the boys that she remembers them?

Do they see Willie?

Julie and Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)Where stories live. Discover now