Bloody-minded acceptance - Part 2

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After that disaster of a Quidditch game, Severus was left returning to his office alone. Not only did his House lose against Gryffindor again, but he was also left wondering how a rogue bludger found its way into the game. And why it targeted Potter. That boy was a trouble magnet, especially when it came to Quidditch. First Quirrell and now this, and then Lockhart had to come along and blunder things up even more with his failure of a spell.

He scoffed, wondering when the narcissist would give it a rest. How long will it take him to realize Arlyn thought nothing of his 'award-winning smile' and inspiring life accomplishments? When will he realize he didn't reach her standards?

That's something he found himself thinking of a lot lately. She didn't exactly elaborate what her standards in men were, but apparently, it was anyone who wasn't Lockhart. Could it be she fancied men with the opposite characteristics? He never really cared how he looked as long as he covered up enough skin and came off as cold and bitter towards the people he met. But now Severus found himself wondering if there was the slightest chance that perhaps he fell somewhere in her standards. It was clear he was nothing like Lockhart, in fact, they differed like night and day.

The rest of his afternoon was anything but entertaining. It was Saturday, meaning he didn't have students to torment during classes. And Arlyn was in the hospital wing, tending to Draco Malfoy so Poppy could direct all her focus on Potter.

Severus thought back to when he visited the hospital wing an hour ago to see if the Malfoy prodigy still lived. Arlyn was adamant to assist Poppy and didn't wait for an approval to make herself useful. She chased Malfoy's teammates and peers to the side and instantly set to work on the Slytherin boy. Fortunately, he only came off with a few scrapes and bruises.

But it still made the Potions Master frown in the confines of his office. Despite the disrespect Lucius Malfoy showed towards her, she didn't let it come in the way of assuring the well-being of his son. He wasn't saying she's a saint, but her kindness was too good to be true. If it was him, he would celebrate each and every misfortune that struck the Malfoy's.

But didn't she say something about the 'Hufflepuff inside her'?

The way she so quickly avoided the topic was enough to confirm that there was more to Arlyn Quinn than he thought. He suspected it the moment she started teaching at Hogwarts, and he was yet again reminded of his suspicions today. He was so occupied with his raging thoughts regarding his feelings towards her, he forgot about the little things that made her different than the rest.

It was around late noon when he finally left his office for some air. Severus purposely walked past the Muggle Studies classroom in hope that he might catch a glimpse of her, but didn't. She was probably still in the hospital wing, he assumed. So he took a detour and eventually found himself in the staffroom, which was deserted except for the paintings moving and minding their own business.

He approached the table of beverages and filled himself a mug of coffee. The Potions professor has taken a liking in the drink after Arlyn started bringing him breakfast in his office last Christmas. It reminded him of her, although he preferred his black and bitter, where she drank it with cream and sugar. The thought of surprising her with a mug in the hospital wing briefly crossed his mind, but he pushed it away, thinking she didn't want to be disturbed that moment.

Severus claimed a chair near the window and had a perfect view over the Black Lake. Although it always reminded him of being assaulted by the Marauders at its bend near the tree he always studied under, he found himself only thinking of the time Arlyn asked him to take a stroll with her along its waters. From where he sat, he could see the tree she brought to life exactly a year ago.

Arlyn Quinn and the Lost Girl -* A Severus Snape Fanfic *-Where stories live. Discover now