A half-giant who should not have said that

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Spring arrived

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Spring arrived. The trees shone with light green patches of new leaves, the grass slowly changed colour, and everywhere you looked the fields were splashed with colourful spring flowers. But not only did this new season bring new life, but also pestering allergies for some.

Arlyn sneezed nonstop as she taught class after class, and by lunch each day, her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy. Honestly, she both loves and hates spring.

"ACHOO!" she bounced and spilt some of her coffee onto the teachers' table, and immediately after the first, she sneezed again, "ACHOO! A-ACHOO!"

Severus frowned as he looked at her, although the corners of his mouth twitched up almost unnoticeably, "By this rate, you won't have anything left in you mug

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Severus frowned as he looked at her, although the corners of his mouth twitched up almost unnoticeably, "By this rate, you won't have anything left in you mug." he studied the coffee stains on the tablecloth and saw that her mug was only half full due to all the spilling.

Arlyn sniffed and cast her puffy eyes upwards to stop the tears, "It's the same thing... every year... I swear I - ACHOO! - sorry, I swear I lose a few brain cells with... each... sneeze - ACHOO!"

Madam Pomfrey leaned forward from her spot at the other end of the table, tutting sympathetically, "Poor dear, you're not the only one, don't you worry. I've got my hands full with students with the same problem. It's this ghastly time of the year, it is. You should come by the hospital wing, dear. I might just have something for that sneeze."

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Arlyn croaked, her voice thicker due to her allergies.

She wasn't the only staff member having a bad reaction to the season. Professor Flitwick rubbed at his eyes every few minutes as well, and Professor Trelawney sniffed now and then before blowing her nose into a handkerchief.

"And here I was thinking to let you teach the lesson today," Severus drawled while watching her closely, "But now I worry you might scare off the first years with that voice. Weasley will have night terrors for weeks."

The look Arlyn gave him could curdle dairy, "Ha ha, very funny... don't think just because my sinuses are clogged... I'm not capable of - ACHOO! - teaching - ACHOO! - a bunch of - ACHOO! - first years..."

Arlyn Quinn and the Lost Girl -* A Severus Snape Fanfic *-Where stories live. Discover now