Tea with McGonagall

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Arlyn took a step back to admire her handiwork

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Arlyn took a step back to admire her handiwork. The shelves in her class' showroom were stacked with all sorts of new Muggle artefacts, all in working condition, of course.

One shelf contained telephones of all colours and sizes, on another radios and televisions, and not to mention the other trinkets she got her hands on over the weekend. Of course, she had to add a few rubber duckies to her collection for her own amusement.

The first week of teaching went by smoothly - for Muggle Studies that is. Her favourite class by far was the seventh years, who she taught about the Muggle wars in the past. Yes, Muggles also fought in wars. In fact, they had two major big ones they called World War I and World War II. Very original. And they fought with weapons called rifles and canons. And it wasn't just two parties, but several countries that participated.

They seemed to enjoy learning about the history of the Muggle world and how they resolved conflict.

Over the weekend, Arlyn received permission from Dumbledore to head back to England to see what Muggle artefacts she could get her hands on. It took her a few trips back and forth between the city and Hogwarts, but at last, she managed to transport everything she found to her showroom - which suddenly seemed too small to fit everything in. Especially the car.

News also spread that Harry managed to make the Quidditch team as their new Seeker. To say she was surprised was an understatement, but she was beyond happy for him. That meant a lot coming from someone who was a Seeker herself back when she was a student.

Arlyn heard the stampeding of footsteps a few corridors down from her class and realized it was probably time for breakfast. She awoke before dawn to Muggle-up her classroom before the first classes for the new week started.

After admiring her work one last time, she readjusted her scarf and quickly made her way to the Great Hall, wondering if there'll be blueberry muffins that morning.

After admiring her work one last time, she readjusted her scarf and quickly made her way to the Great Hall, wondering if there'll be blueberry muffins that morning

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Severus promptly made his way to the Great Hall, students jumping out of the way in fear that his mere gaze would petrify them. He was in a particularly foul mood that morning.

Arlyn Quinn and the Lost Girl -* A Severus Snape Fanfic *-Where stories live. Discover now