The time of giving

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Christmas came and most students have left to spend the holiday with their families at home. Those who stayed at Hogwarts were well taken care of and could enjoy mouthwatering Christmas treats whenever they pleased. Gingerbread cookies and hot cocoa were available whenever they felt in the mood for a snack, the castle was open to exploring as they liked, and each common room was decorated festively with a Christmas tree and fairy lights.

 Gingerbread cookies and hot cocoa were available whenever they felt in the mood for a snack, the castle was open to exploring as they liked, and each common room was decorated festively with a Christmas tree and fairy lights

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The grounds around the castle were covered in several feet of snow, the Black Lake frozen solid, and the school itself looked like a picture out of a fairytale. It was one of Arlyn's favourite times, and no, it wasn't just because she could munch on cookies whenever she liked.

Before the holiday started, she dropped by Minerva's classroom for their weekly cup of tea - or coffee, in Arlyn's case. Thanks to a certain Potions professor, Hogwarts never seem to run out anymore.

When Minerva asked her if she had plans for Christmas, Arlyn almost answered too quickly, "I was thinking staying here and spend some time with Se-" she stopped herself in time before finishing that sentence, but the older witch was anything but dim.

McGonagall grinned into her cup and said, "Oh, please, do finish that sentence, dear. Don't leave me wondering."

Arlyn masked her smile by quickly taking a sip of coffee. But on a more serious note, she looked at her former professor, "Minerva, you once told me Severus also didn't have it easy. What did you mean by that?"

McGonagall's eyes lost their twinkle, hinting that it was indeed a sensitive matter. She placed her cup on her desk and folded her hands, "I'm afraid it is not my place to tell you, dear. That is something you have to ask Severus."

She nodded, understanding not to push it any further, "I thought as much. Alright, but just tell me one thing; how does he usually spend his Christmas?"

"He hardly leaves his room," Minerva looked at her over the rim of her spectacles, "I can't say I see him around much this time of the year. He dislikes most holidays." Noticing the younger witch falling silent, she added nonchalantly, "However, I did notice a change in his behaviour ever since you put him in his place. I think it will do him good having some company during the holiday."

That settled it.

Arlyn decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. It's not as if she could go anywhere else, though. She lived in Africa for six years prior to returning to the school and didn't have a place of her own. Nonetheless, it would not be the first time she spent her holiday here since she's done so every year since she was a student. At least she was always welcome here.

And it turned out she wasn't the only one staying. Harry and the Weasleys seemed to be gracing them with their presence as well - no doubt the twins had a ten-foot-long list of pranks planned. The staff will have their hands full, it seemed, especially when George and Fred got in trouble on day one for enchanting snowballs to hit Professor Quirrell in the back of the head as he walked.

Arlyn Quinn and the Lost Girl -* A Severus Snape Fanfic *-Where stories live. Discover now