Wendy Please Tell Me You Love Me

Start from the beginning

The two of them wash their dishes and brush their teeth. They wanted to wear something but their school dictates that anytime and everywhere they go, they must wear their school uniform, so they have no choice. Then, the two of them left the dorm. They went to the Nature park, located at School District 21.

Chelia: So, you bring me here.
Wendy: Well, this is relaxing place isn't it?
Chelia: Yeah.
Wendy: Uh Chelia.
Chelia: What is it?
Wendy: Tell me, Why did you love me?
Chelia: I love you because you're brave, strong, intelligent, and you care the others first before caring yourself.
Wendy: I see. Well I uh, I (nervous)
Chelia: (Come on Wendy, say it. If you confess your feelings for me right now, you and I became couple.)
Wendy: (See the boat ride) I wanna ask you. Do you want to ride that boat over there?
Chelia: Sure.

Wendy's POV

Geez! Why I can't say that I love her? I can easily say it during the time that we're not yet inlove with each other. But now, it's so difficult, I feel so awkward. Maybe I should hide it for now. Sorry Chelia, I don't have the courage to say that I'm inlove with you, even if you see me as a brave girl.

Narrator's POV

When the two of them ride the boat, Wendy and Chelia manipulates the air in order to push the boat and allows the wind to drive the boat.

Wendy: Ahh! This is relaxing! It's been a while since I ride a boat.
Chelia: When was the last time you ride on a boat.
Wendy: Back when I was in 5th grade in elementary school. We do have a field trip in Rome, Italy. It was not actually a boat but it is called "Gondolas", we ride gondolas to pass across the river canal and there's bazaar stores at the river canal. After we graduated in Tokiwadai, I uh, I want you to go with me in Rome, Italy to experience that thing.
Chelia: (blushes) Ofcourse I wanna go with you wherever you go. I want us to be together forever.
Wendy: (blushed a little) Really? You mean it?
Chelia: (Nodds) Yes. I love you forever Wendy.
Wendy: I uh, I-I  (nervous)
Chelia: (Please Wendy, tell me that you love me. So we can be couple now.)
Wendy: (stomach growls) I'm hungry. (looks embarrassed)
Chelia: I guess we could eat. Let's go over there Wendy.
Wendy: Alright! I love crepes.

The two of them brought crepes. Wendy got Strawberry chocolate crepe and Chelia got Blueberry cream crepe. The two of them seats on the bench near the lake.

Wendy: Hey Chelia. Do you want to taste my crepe?
Chelia: Oh Ok. Sure (kisses Wendy's lips for a sec)
Wendy: Hey! Why did you do that?
Chelia: Oh come on Wendy, as if I know that you want indirect kiss from me. So, instead of indirect kiss, I did kiss directly your lips.
Wendy: Fine. You got me. (bashful look)
Chelia: So, Wendy. Are you going to confess your feelings on me right now? (teasing tone)
Wendy: (blushes in deep red) No! You and I were only friends. If I want more than that, we could be sisters.
Chelia: Please Wendy, be honest with your feelings.
Wendy: But I am honest right now. (Well I am totally a lier.)
Chelia: Really? Is that so? But why did you bring me here. This place is perfect for a date.
Wendy: (blushes) This is not a date! I bring you here just for us to relax. And I'm too young to date someone. (Speaks in embarrassment)
Chelia: Geez! Wendy, we're not kids anymore, we are middle schooler now. We can date whoever we like.
Wendy: But.....

Chelia kisses Wendy for about a minute, then Wendy kisses her back. Wendy tries to pull out and break their kiss but Chelia pins her on the tree. So their kiss lasted 5 mins. After 5 mins both of them pull each other and separate from their kiss and catching up their breaths.

Chelia: See? If you don't love me, you can't kiss me back.
Wendy: Because you always forcing me to do that.
Chelia: I'm not forcing you. I just want to kiss you but after a minute, you kiss me back. And that proves that you like it when I kiss you. (seducing tone)
Wendy: (blushes) Enough with this topic! (embarrassed tone) We should get home now before it gets dark. (Running away from Chelia.)
Chelia: Oh come on. (chasing Wendy)

The two of them left the park. Wendy walks faster leaving Chelia alone.

Chelia: Hey! Wendy! You're way to fast!
Wendy: (Ignores Chelia and keeps walking)
Chelia: (Reaches Wendy's arm then pulls Wendy) Look, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me.
Wendy: No. It's alright. (cold reply) Let's go home. (walks faster than earlier)
Chelia: Aww. You're so cold Wendy. Please wait for me!

Then Carla appears in front of them.

Carla: (Clears her throat) Just where the two of you came from? I told you to have 5 feet distance with each other.
Wendy: Yeah. I'm avoiding Chelia now.
Chelia: Hey! Wendy! Don't do this to me!
Carla: Chelia! I'll talk to Sherry right now.
Chelia: No! Please! (You'll regret this Wendy.)
Carla: Alright. I'll give you a chance. However, did you do something lewd on Wendy today?
Chelia: No. (Actually, yes I did. And I think Wendy's totally mad at me.)
Carla: Good! Now let's go to your dorm and take a rest.
Wendy: Ok. (carries Carla) (ignores Chelia)
Chelia: Wait for me please!



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